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I bought EE2 today

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Swift As Feather, 29 Apr 2005.

  1. Its friday 4/29/05.

    I bought EE2 today but i probably wont load it up till tommorrow. anyone else plan on getting this soon?

    anyone else?

  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Hmmm... I loved the first one.
  3. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    I played the demo and like it....might get it in the next couple days
  4. I'll be grabbin it soon legally or illegally i dont know yet.
  5. Ooooh! I may have to see if hubby will let me get it! (of course we have to have money for two if we do get it, so not sure when) I was saying last week that I'd like to play EE again, even tho I suck at it. :D
  6. what is it
  7. empire earth 2. One of those RTS games where you develop your civilization and advance throughout the different stages of technology, waging war along the way.

    I don't have it although i have the first one and all of the rise of nation games.... my history with these games is that I play for a couple weeks and then never touch it again, hehe...(i'll prolly have to borrow it)
    Last edited: 30 Apr 2005
  8. GraniteRok

    GraniteRok Executive Officer Officer

    Got it... Much the same as the first really but with some new stuff. More epochs and special enhancements (crowns) for bonuses. Can't really have an opinion yet as I haven't played it enough to form one but so far it's good yet I think I prefer the first one to this. Might be just because of a learning curve. Like Mold, I'll usually plug along with these for a few weeks then it sits on the shelf.
  9. Just got it from my work installing it now. The installer is giving me some trouble on linux right now so... i will be in as soon as possible. Looked like a good game to buy so i did.
  10. I played the demo of it...and being a big RTS fan - was simply not impressed. I just didnt like the feel of the game.

    Everyone else is giving it great reviews/loves it...but i didn't care for it at all-

    RoN much better imo.
  11. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    I'm not a big fan of these "evolution" RTSs I'm more into the C&C (before EA took over), Rome: Total War, and Starcraft/Warcraft kinds of games.
  12. I like them just because you can choose your favorite time period and jsut play for that time or play throughout history makes for more gameplay.
  13. I played the original, give me RTW any day over a meatgrinder like that game.
  14. I dont get very good performance playing it.
  15. yes something about the performance is weird. its like the mouse slows down making it very hard to click on things.
  16. Last edited: 2 May 2005
  17. i aquired the game to try it out and I really didn't like the gameplay. It seems like the original was better, and RoN is better then both IMO. I also had terrible perfomance on my computer.

  18. World of Starcraft :eek: now that would be awesome

    anyone know if EE2 is downloadable? im cheap haha
  19. Just picked EE2 up today and am installing at the moment.
  20. Oed


    I am getting a litle bit of glee from seeing the thoughts on EE2 vs EE1 I will say (seeing that I now work for the company that made EE1).

    Just wait till Rise and Fall comes out...it will ROCK!

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