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I can't take it anymore! I QUIT!

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by mtx, 2 Oct 2001.

  1. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    ... smoking :) Aren't you all proud of me?
  2. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Thanks! I'm trying hard. I'm surrounded by smoker but it has been two and a half days and no smoking. This is my second time quiting maybe I will be smart enough to stay a non smoker this time. :D
  3. I give you another day...
  4. brakums

    brakums Space Pirate

    who's the smoker you are being surrounded by?
  5. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Brother in law. Damn smokers do reek of smoke. :mtx:
  6. :whore:
  7. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Day three and no smoking.. I win :)
  8. bah you probably lying, I found an easy way to not smoke, my wife forbids me to do it and she get really pissed if I do :D
  9. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    I find that smoking isn't cheap or good for you. Did you know that!? :D My wife doesn't want me to smoke so I don't. Besides I have a beautiful daughter and how could I do that to her?
  10. Yeah, just take the money that you would have used on cigs and buy porn, that way at least you are still rewarding yourself :D
  11. btw my wife doesn't let me do that either :(

    p.s. Does your wife know about charlise :D
  12. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    why buy pr0n when u can find it free?


  13. One word: Morpheus
  14. red pill or blue pill.............:huh:
  15. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Bell is just a little brat I know. Nothing more :D

    I refuse to buy porn or smokes. I buy Veritechs. :mtx:
  16. brakums

    brakums Space Pirate

    why do you live w/ your brother-in-law?
  17. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Cause I'm trying to save money for a better life.

    Don't ask me questions like that. Makes me think about this little boy named Chris that said some pretty rude stuff to me today. Things like my wife is a peice of shit and so is my daughter and I am poor white trash and he is better than me. He said a lot of stuff like that. Very disturbing...

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