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Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 10 May 2005.

  1. Because I know how fond the CDL have been of the DAoC series and PlanetSide "pre-BFR", I wondered how you felt about a game set for release next year, which is in-between these two realms... Imperator.

    Unlike other MMOs with an entirely apocalyptic feel to them, Imperator is based on the idea that the Roman Empire never fell, but instead advanced technologically to the point where they used their influence to colonise the galaxy. As such you can expect the appearance of both projectile and energy-based weapons, but it would be unwise to not expect conventional swords and the like the Praetorians were most famous for:



    I've been careful not to choose really big images, but if you want to see some more of the environments they are building, IGN has a nice collection of screenshots here. Seeing as how there are so many rediculous clones of other MMOs out these days Imperator would be a refreshing change, and since most of you played DAoC before I joined the clan and seemed to enjoy it, a release of this sort from Mythic might be worth watching out for.
  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Hmm, very interesting. I will be watching it.
  3. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

  4. Hmmm

    Ill keep an eye on it, looks like it could be nice if done right.

  5. if it was an mmofps i would dig definetly dig it. To me it sounds a little too much like anarchy online.
  6. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Yeah. Would be a nice game if it was MMOFPS, but I guess they saw what happened with Planetside and that scared them off. An MMOFPS could work if you gave it more depth, a balanced weapons system, and more variety than Planetside brought to the table. I am talking having space battles to determine spacial supremacy THEN beginning a land assault to take key capitals on the planet. Imagine Cyssor, just on a MUCH larger scale.
  7. It's always been a RPG as far as I can tell, which is kinda sad, because it looks like it would be fun if it weren't a boring, repetitive PvE grind. If anything PS should be giving companies MORE confidence that an MMOFPS would work, all they'd need is a dev team that actually listens to what the players want rather then the suits and the schedule.
    Last edited: 10 May 2005
  8. Lunar

    Lunar Development Officer Officer

    looks pretty cool, i really loved Anarchy online (still my favorite MMO, even though the launched was well.....the worst...ever) gotta keep an eye on this one
  9. The first decent look at Imperator has arrived in the form of a trailer.

    You can get it here.
  10. This game would never hold my intrest for one simple fact, no pvp. Its sad too cause Mythic created by far my favorite combat system with RvR in pre-toa daoc. Mythic is a good company, and I am sure the release of the game will be done in the same excellent mannor that daoc was. However, after the first year the game will lose alot of luster. From daoc experiences, they just suck at expansions. In order to get intrest they introduce something insanely overpowered and sell it hard to get people to buy, then nerf it into oblivion. And while this is common place across the genre, they seem to take it to an extreme.
  11. After this pissing and whining of DAOC, if I was Mythic, I'd run as far away from PvP as I could get as well. :D

    Edit: It is sad though, because by far their model for optional PvP with some importance on PvP and a three sided war has been the best I've seen.
  12. :stupid: :stupid: :stupid: :stupid: :stupid:

    Agreed If WoW would have done anything close to Doac's PvP it would have ruled. So many things done right yet so many done wrong in all theese games for the Genre. Someone will get it right some day lol............


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