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IMPORTANT CoH info for Pre-Order people.

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Kaikou, 21 Apr 2004.

  1. Ok, just wanna make everything clear regarding the name reservation/3 day head start process. The beta officially ends TOMORROW (Thursday 22nd) at 11:00 PM Central. Once the servers go down, the characters will all be wiped. On Sunday, April 25th at noon Central, the official servers will be available for all pre-order people. We will get a three day head start before the game is released to the public to build our characters. On Wednesday the 28th at midnight, the game officially launches, and the pre-order accounts no longer work. You will have to go out and buy the game to continue.

    Regarding name reservation:

    In order to have your name reserved you must have it registered on the day that the beta ends. Since we are all on Prime, our characters will appear on the Justice server when the 3 day head start begins.

    It is VERY IMPORTANT that you only have ONE character in your character list with the name that you want reserved. If you have more than one character on prime right now, you MUST delete all but one (the one with the name you want reserved) before beta ends. You do not have to worry about which powers you want or what they will look like because it will all be wiped. Only the name will be saved. You can reserve multiple names but it is limited to ONE name per server.

    Here's a snippit from www.coh.com explaining how to convert your pre-order account to a live account come release day:

    So what do you do on release day (and after) to convert your pre-order and beta accounts into live, paying ones? It’s easy – but pay attention; you’re going to want to follow these directions closely:

    1. Visit PlayNC by going to http://www.plaync.com
    2. Click on "Account" in the left navigation bar. Now click on "Sign In" under Account.
    3. Enter your PlayNC Master account name and password.
    4. You should now be on the "Manage PlayNC Account" page. Scroll down to "Games List"
    5. Next to your CoH game account/s, you will find "Activate" buttons. Always make sure that if you have a Pre-order account, that it is the one you are activating! If you don’t have a pre-order account, you want to focus on your beta account. Game Versions will show up in PlayNC Account Management as follows:



    *Warning: If you activate the wrong account Customer Service will be unable to assist you with this mistake. In this case, you will need to purchase another complete retail code to activate the account you intended to activate.
    6. Hit the "Activate" button next to the account and when prompted, enter the serial code provided with the retail version of the game. You will then be prompted to enter your billing information Congrats! You’re done and your first 30 days of included game play begins!

    *Note: When entering your billing information you will be able to choose between credit card or prepaid 60 day game time card. You MUST enter one or the other. If you do not have a valid credit card you will want to be sure to purchase a 60 day pre-paid game time card from your retailer at the same time that you purchase your retail box. You will be unable to activate your account without entering the requested billing information.

    So that's that. Everyone play all you can the rest of today and tomorrow because your characters will be gone come 11:00 PM tomorrow (Thursday) night.
    Last edited: 21 Apr 2004
  2. Forgot to add...

    There's a poll in a previous thread saying most of us want to play on Victory. Though servers really don't matter, and we're all on prime which will become Justice in the final, it would be easiest to just do that. However if we really want to play on Victory, we have to reserve names in the "Name Reservation" server. That server will become Victory come release.

    ***Just make sure there is only ONE character per server in your character list or you will not get the name reserved.***
  3. I dont care which

    Lets just make up our minds now where we will play. Either is fine with me i just want to know which hehe.

  4. For the short amount of time I got to play CoH, it didn't impress me. It seemed that most of the missions were exactly alike, but with different wording. I was sent on 3 different missions last night to 3 different 'office buildings' to clear out the infestation of clockworks in all 3. On each mission, the office building had the same layout and was the exact same as the other ones. The only difference was the fact that you had to go to some other side of town (usually the farthest possible point from where you got your mission) and go in there.

    It was a good idea for a game, but it was poorly executed. I'm starting to lose my interest in anything made by PlayNC.
  5. You must not have played enough to get to the different missions. You're missing out quite a bit, but I'm not going to try and convince you to come back. Maybe some time in the future you'll give it another shot.
  6. Damnit. i got into beta early this week and i havent even gotten a chance to play it. im less than pleased on this horrid day.

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