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In Memory..

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Terminated, 4 Mar 2002.

  1. Did that kid die in the "In Memory" section? If so how? :(
  2. I believe according to dane, he wished his death cause to remain a secret. But yes, he passed away.
  3. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Valin was a dear friend and a valiant warrior in the CDL. He was an Officer and a gentleman. I got to know him very well as did a few of the early members of the CDL and quite a few T1 Insomniax Mod people.

    He died in November of 1999. He had performed gallantly in action in a match with the CDL just a week prior to his death. I had emailed him and asked how he was doing shortly after the match, and received an email from him saying he had to go to the hospital for a check-up but that everything was okay. As a matter of fact, he asked that he be given more repsonsibility within the CDL! He stated that the match he was in had been one of the best in his career with us.

    Eight days later he died. His mother emailed me and notified me of his untimely death.

    Val was the consummate professional and honorable warrior. We in the CDL shall never forget him...

  4. Hes Still with us in Sprit.
  5. I still remember playin with him :(
  6. Valin was a part of {KSA}/|Fx3| also...
    Since he was the only -CDL- member interested in the game, he asked for, and received permission to play w/ us in Rogue Spear-Urban Op's.
    Since he was the only one of us that had broadband at the time, he was instrumental in helping us recruit, since he was able to host more people than any of the rest of us.
    He was our team sniper, and made many a opposition player cuss a little when he dropped them in their tracks, when just a sliver of some poor sap's head peeked around a corner :)
    He was a great guy, and we still remember him well, and his ability at gameplay, over at |Fx3|
  7. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    I never had the honor of meeting Valin but it is very clear in my mind when almost all players in IX wore a (V) in thier name as a way of honoring and respecting Valin. People even shortened their names so the V would fit.

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