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joint operations typhoon rising

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by NightJackal, 23 May 2004.

  1. anybody heard of this game a guy i work with was beta testing it and said it was great im downloading the demo to check it out.
  2. Yeah.
    Supposed to be similar to the Black Hawk Down/Delta Force engine if I remember right. The demo is on Fileplanet or was.
  3. GraniteRok

    GraniteRok Executive Officer Officer

    I tried it. It was 'ok' but I found parts of it a little 'arcade' like especially chopper flying. I'm waiting to see Operation Flashpoint2 or Battlefield2. I think these will be awesome!
  4. isn't this game supposed to support 120+ players at a time?
  5. yeah was in a full server with 120 peeps no lag was pretty fun

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