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Lets get down to buisness

Discussion in 'The Dragon Wolves Recruitment Forum' started by Patriot92810, 27 Sep 2005.

  1. Alright just got the messge telling me that to become a member of the CDL I have to post here. Well
    I don't have much to say but, now i'm one step closer to becoming an official member! Awesome. Then i'll be ready for anything!:cool:
  2. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer


    Hi. Welcome to our den. One question; what game do you want to play with us? Helps a little in the recruiting process.
  3. Hail and well met Patriot!

    You don't have to do anything...it's what you want to do.:)

    Good luck in the application process.
  4. He plays Teh Cyrus... obviously, sent... come on...
  5. Hey :) Greets and welcome!

    *prods Cyrus with SOAR Abuse Stick*
  7. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    You know if he actually makes it to a rally I'm probably going to get a beatstick and have it on me the whole time I'm down there...just in case....
  8. Alright well.... what I want to do is be an offical member on the trinity dragonwolves serve for bf2!!
    If you have anymore info or if your recruiting let me know thanks guys.
  9. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer


    (looks sternly at Manitou and Mignonne)

    HE'S MINE! Get back! :lol:

    Seriously though, welcome to the forums. We have our frag nights on Tuesday and Thursday nights. Look for anyone with a -CDL- tag on and try to team up with them.

    What is your ingame name? I'd like to add it to the watch list we have on our BF2 forums so we all know that it isn't some random person trying to join up.
  10. Dont make me go buy this game and come shoot you!!! :) (is that what you guys do in this game ?????? )
  11. I could imagine Mig on teamspeak with us playing Battlefiend too.. for some reason I see her as being more ruthless and bloodthirsty than Me, Shads and Kaoz put together.
  12. you shall all fear me :)

    me bloodthirsty ??? never :) i dont know, ask some horde who crossed my path the other night :) while i was on my mage!! they all died!! but i am not bloodthirsty
  13. Wait you want my real name!
    Another problem is I played on the dragonwolves server on thursday September,29 at 7:00 central or 8:00 est and no one recommended me but one dragon knows me Wolve or wolf hawker. Let me know any new info on how to be a member. Thanks
  14. not your real name...your name that you use when playing bf2...makes it easier for the folks to contact ya ingame :)
  15. Yeah we were all talkin smack about ya on ts last night!!:p Just kiddin!:) We noticed you. I personaly have a hard time typing and not dieing so i chose to not type.:D Wolf rocks!!hehe Listen to him, he out ranks me. hehe;) Just sit back and do lots of teamwork! You will here the call, just keep listening!:)

  16. Wolf doesnt rock....me and koroc rocks.....

    *hides from shadow*
  17. I know Koroc ROCKS!!!! But you...yeah right.:p Just kidding....you rock too!!!:D

  18. Can you do more frag nights because, everytime I go into the game to play the dragonwolves server is never there! And we (noobs)could have more chances to play with the memebers so they can recommend us(erm...noobs).

    thanks just got back from school and i'm going to play Battlefield 2!!! I really want to join you guys are awesome.
  19. I'm on later in the night. 9 PM CST or later. Look for me and we'll hook up. :)

  20. Patriot92810 is the name i use in the game but i guess if you want to no if it's me just ask what my favorite tv show is and i'll say Lost, how about that. Oh and one more thing i played on the dragonwolves server last night and I rocked i even earned a crew service medal!

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