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Lineage 2 Closed Beta coming to an end. Open Beta starts soon.

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Arglaar, 24 Mar 2004.

  2. YAYAY I got closed beta....wait...
  3. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    So the closed beta characters will be wiped....... I don't even feel like playing until March 28th rolls around, knowing all my efforts will be swiped clean.
  4. Yeah... I bet that extra month only applies to US customers.
  5. I'll play so if I decide to play I will know what I want to play with ;)
  6. Figures I just got accepted to closed beta...
  7. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    I am palying a bit now (just getting the hang of things), but taking it lightly due to the imminent swipe. I am on the second server (sorry, I am at work and can't look up the name) with a dark elf character named "Amistica". Come march 28 I will be on for sure, definitely enjoying the dark elf more than the orc I had played with prior.
  8. What server do I need to be on? my d/l ends in 15%. estimated 9 minutes
  9. Don't think it matters until the 28th. At which time, are they bringing up new servers? Or just the 2 they have now?

    There will prolly be new servers on release that most everyone who was not in OB will go to lol, little left out tidbit.

    If its just the 2 we have now, i vote for betz. It seems to be a little less laggy for me.
  10. I'm on bertz right now, and it's laggy as poo!

    Lvl 7 elf mage on it
  11. Err yea, nm, bertz is worse the Sieg heh.
  12. Yes, there WILL be a character wipe between Closed and Open beta.

    So.. if you're playing now... I suggest you try out all the classes/races and see what you like, since they're gonna be wiped this weekend.

    BTW, all this info is in the Beta Forums... http://boards.lineage2.com/

  13. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    We should all determine what race we should be for open beta. I prefer the Dark Elves myself, but as long as other Dragonwolves are around I won't mind switching to a different race.
  14. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    I agree dark elves are awsome.
  15. See, unlike WoW, you are able to mix the races within the same Clan/Guild, so we'll be able to pick whatever race/class combo we want and still be able to be in CDL.

    Unless that changes sometime between Pre-Prelude(Closed beta) and Chronicle 1(Release)
  16. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    I'm going DE for sure ;) Can't wait to play with you all in open beta!
  17. is there some sort of consider system in this game??
  18. I don't know... this game just isn't holding my attention.

    The mage class is terrible. There are only a few spells to even consider getting, and even less monsters to cast them at. Unless someone can prove to me why this game is going to be great, I won't be going retail with it.
  19. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    I totally agree...... There is no way I would pay a mounthly fee for the game in its current state. But for free.... it ain't bad ;)
  20. The only plus side I see is the graphics. It is an amazing LOOKING game, just not an amazing PLAYING game.

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