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Lineage 2 Semi-Open Beta Available tomorrow.

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Arglaar, 26 Feb 2004.

  1. If you ordered the "Bonus CD" for L2, http://www.lineage2.com/news/news_presale.asp, they are tentatively scheduled to open the servers Tomorrow for those that bought the CD

  2. game any good?
  3. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

  4. so far.. it's not bad.

    It's PvP anywhere tho.. (Supposed to be clan based warfare but you get your asshats that get their jollies from RPKing n00bs) As of this writing, I haven't been PK'd yet.. (watch.. I'll get killed as soon as I log in now.. :p)

    The Toons in it are H A W T. I'll take some screenies if I get a chance.

    Part of the text is still in Korean too, but the community is pretty well established, and people are willing to help.

    It's not gonna be a DAOC killer, due to the PKing, but it'll do pretty well I think.

    If you can get into the beta, I'd say give it a shot..
    If anything, so that I have someone to play with.. :lol:
  5. jupe

    jupe Shocklance Ninja DragonWolf

    I play!

    I've been playing TWOB as Deliria or Flynn, and I start NAOB as soon as they unlock my acct.

    Whisper me sometime. I'm gonna start a clan.
  6. jupe

    jupe Shocklance Ninja DragonWolf

  7. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    is still waiting for his confirmation. I probably will play the beta if I get it, plus I'll introduce it to my wife. She may have more of a passion for it. Though I do like the way the Dark Elves look. Remind me of Melniboneans. Thus I think my appeal towards them.

    A Melnibonean? Riding a Dragon? Noooo way!
  8. Cool jupe...

    I'm in NACB.. currently up to level 10.

    Hoping they don't do a Charwipe when they go into Open Beta.
  9. Woot

    Just made lvl 8, caster.


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