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Lineage II Documentation Project

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Arglaar, 25 Feb 2004.

  1. Useful Commands

    Other Ingame Commands
    ESC Cancels the current target
    Holding the Ctrl key down while attacking will allow you to attack other players (PvP) or friendly NPCs.

    End Changes the camera view to over-the-shoulder
    Home Changes the camera view to front. Alt+c Hide all interfaces
    Page Down Changes the camera view to full-sized character view.
    Page up Changes the camera view to reduced-size character view.

    F1~F10 Allows you to use assigned shortcut keys
    Alt+F1~F10 Turn the pages in the shortcut key window Alt+j Hide the chatting window

    Tab/Alt+v Opens the inventory window
    Alt+t View status window
    Alt+k View skill / magic window
    Alt+c View action window
    Alt+b Move directly to the community bulletin board.
    Alt+w Toggles the radar on and off
    Alt+x System menu

    Alt+h Turns off your Hud Bars (for picture taking)
    PrintScrn = Takes a picture and places it in your Lineage II System Folder
    Typed Commands
    /petition - sends a msg to the gamemaster
    /petitioncancel - chancels gamemaster msg
    /gmlist - list gamemaster online?
    /sit - char sits down
    /stand - char stand up
    /walk - set char to move in walking speed?
    /run - set char to move in running speed?
    /attack - attack target
    /attackforce - attackforce
    /attackstand - attackstand
    /trade - trade
    /target - target
    /targetnext - targetnext
    /pickup - pickup
    /assist - assist another char with attacking same target
    /partyinvite - invite char to party
    /partyleave - leave current party
    /partydismiss - dismiss party
    /vendor - vendor
    /partymatching - partymatching
    /socialhello - socialhello
    /socialvictory - socialvictory
    /socialcharge - socialcharge
    /useskill - useskill
    /useskillforce - useskillforce
    /useskillstand - useskillstand
    /useshortcut - useshortcut
    /useshortcutforce - useshortcutforce
    /useshortcutstand - useshortcutstand

    /allyinvite - allyinvite
    /allyleave - allyleave
    /allyoust - allyoust
    /allydismiss - allydismiss
    /allycrest - allycrest
    /allyinfo - allyinfo
    /friendinvite - add another char on your friendlist
    /friendlist - list chars on your friendlist (shows online/offline status)
    /frienddel - delete char from friendlist
    /buy - buy

  2. Note.. Alot of the in-game commands are not enabled in the North American Beta yet.. (Like the friends list :p)
  3. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

    0_0 that a shit load of ppl
    i wonder how the lag is /me thinks
  4. Well

    Unless your in a city around the vendors the lag has been non existent for me so far.

  5. Just got the beta from fileplanet last night. Got stuck in it for a few hrs and finnally got to sleep around 3:30am heh, not good when u have to wake up at 8.

    Got to lvl 5, fairly quick. I like the ease of the quests. Combat is fast, looks fairly cool. The skill learning system is ok. Combat skills are defintely nice boost. Some random pvp gankers but the karma system should be nice to keep that in check. Graphics are incredible. Movement is pretty good once you get used to it. Still kind of prefer a little more left hand kb control, as using just the mouse gets tiring.

    Started as a Orc War type. Going sword and board. Wanna try DE Caster next, chicks are hot.
  6. You can use the arrow keys to move around. It takes some getting used to though.
  7. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    So open beta is supposed to start in the U.S. sometime at the end of march?
  8. That's the plan.
  9. Just got in and downloaded it today. All I can say is that so far I'm not the least impressed. THe controls are horrid, there is a huge wait for response time. animations are chunkythere doesnt seem to be much else besides "Bash monsters endlessly". I guess playing on so many NWN presistant worlds has spoiled my taste, but I was expecting alot more from this game.
  10. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    I just got in too..... saw the word beta and my heart skipped a beat (thought it was for WoW).... I'll give it a whirl just for the heck of it.
  11. I'm in as well, not a bad way to relax after getting gunned down in BF:V
  12. The controls aren't that bad, I've seen alot worse.

    EQ from beta on, Daoc, AO, E&B, SG, FFXI, AC, AC2, SWG, etc.

    I'd have to say from stepping into game on day one, EQ had the worse control scheme I've ever seen. Got much better once you changed every single config.

    DaoC required a good bit of changes, but after that is was one of the best.

    FFXI was prolly the best once you got good with ps2 controller.

    I only really lag near the semi-zones from one area to another where there are alot of ppl or spots where there just seems to be a lag bubble at. As for graphics, if you start a DE and go to their village and see that stone with lighting and the skies inside on the ceiling you can never say your not impressed with this game. Wow, it was incredible.
  13. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    yeah the movement isn't too bad, and I do like the quickness of the fight system. Though I find the towns to be too small, and I can never tell where the hell anything is because NPC names are the same color as player names. It's still and interesting game though.
  14. Is there a way to change controls? I would like to if there is.
  15. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    I've been looking for a way to, but have not been successful. Only thing I found was you can also move with the arrow keys.
  16. In the current build, there is not any way to change the controls.
    Sorry. :)
  17. Hrm, the arrow key controls are very wonky, I would use them, but even if I turn a certain direction I will still somehow end up running backwards.
  18. Started the download last night, about an hr in I had to stop it and go to bed. I can't leave my pc on at night... my cpu fan is insanely loud, grrr. So I hope it picks up where it left off. Wish it had a overall progress.

    Have you heard there is a chance there will not be a wipe from OB to Release? So far they have yet to wipe an OB when going live in other countries. But the US based NCsoft here may still end up doing it.

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