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Lineage II: Warcry

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 14 Feb 2004.

  1. Some of my 'Mechwarrior 4' friends were talking about this earlier today:


    It's a 1GB download, currently on Closed Beta. Apparent ability to ride dragons... i'll take a dozen!
  2. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    Wow those graphics are amazing! I signed up for the closed beta, thanks for the linkage :)
  3. Moivies are Great

    Im it'll have the same probs any new MMORPG has , but wow the story line and movies are great. Graphics seem about right in step with the other new games graphics. Im in if anyone else is gonna play it.

  4. Jouster

    Jouster DragonWolf


    guess I need to wait to get home before I can say anything ;)
  5. that game certainly looks very very cool, I signed up for beta. Hopefully the gameplay is as good as the graphics :D
  6. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    One thing that I like is how the game supports clans, A clan can own a castle where the clan leader can decide that taxes and all that other stuff, though these powers can also be shared with fellow clan mates if the leader decides to. Castles can be taken by fighting NPCs for control or even other clans.

  7. that seems really cool could make for alot of fun
  8. signed up for beta

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    I totally just signed up its like woah.
  10. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    I signed up too!!!!11!1! :hump:

    Game looks really good!
  11. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    If you are really desperate, you could download the korean open beta. Though you won't be able to understand anything that is going on, you can still check out everything.
  12. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    Doh, found this......

    "Just thought I'd post my thoughts on Lineage 2. It's not bad I suppose, but it doesn't really have any outstanding gameplay features either.

    1. The interface is terrible. It offers no customization whatsoever. You would think that with other good interfaces out there now, people would catch on instead of using a bad one that looks like it's from 4 years ago.

    2. The game is entirely based on items. You are only as good as your equipment. While this might not be bad all by itself, the game also has very few items overall. Everyone uses the exact same gear. There's basically a linear upgrade path that everyone follows.

    3. There's no character customization. Depending on your race, you could have as few as 2 faces to choose from, and they look pretty much the same anyway. Not much in the way of hair style or color differences either. (Note: I've heard that in the NA version they added a few more faces, but I can't say for sure). Combine this with everyone using the same equipment, and it looks like clones everywhere.

    4. The class system is mediocre. You start off picking a base class. That's basically a choice between a fighter and a mage (with the exception of dwarves, who only have a fighter). You play those classes for 20 levels and then do a quest to change into a new class. There aren't really many options though. At 40 you do another quest and change again. Basically you just further specialize your character. The races have different classes, but many are very very similar, sharing the majority of their skills/spells. This is especially true for humans, elves, and dark elves.

    There are some cool classes, but they're all after the level 40 class change. It takes a while to get there, so most people would give up and quit before ever reaching that point. In fact, I'm guessing most people would quit before level 20 from boredom of leveling.

    There's also not many skills at all. Most classes get a couple main ones that only get upgraded as you level.

    5. PvP system is lacking. This game is hardcore pvp right? Wrong. It's based mostly around siege/clan warfare. PvP outside of that is pointless. If you kill someone you'll gain karma and go red, which means if you die you'll lose lots of your equipment (your equipped weapon is the only thing you can't drop). If you're red, the odds are stacked so high against you it's just not possible to play the game until you work off your karma and go white again (which you can do by killing lots of mobs, or more likely by getting killed enough, which happens fast, at the expense of your gear and experience). People attack reds because they want their equipment drops, and the red people can't even fight back without getting more karma.

    6. The overall "feeling" of the game is pretty boring. Lineage 2 is one of the most painful games in terms of leveling. Not only does it take a long time, but it's really dull. The quests are a complete joke. There's only a handful of quests and they're not even interesting. Most are repeatable ones that only exist to help in cash farming. Quest items from kills are also only awarded to one person, even in a group (killing hit gets it). "

    ...... the wait for WOW continues....
  13. it wont let me sign up for some reason :cry:
  14. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    Well for one thing it is still in beta, so that does not mean everything is set in stone. That is why there is a NDA, because they don't want people going around before the game is finished writing articles about how the game is horrible even though they are not done implementing everything yet. Most of all I'm not going to lose my hope in a game because someone wrote a negative article about the game, I have read highly negative articles about games that I own and love, and they do not change my views of the games. I will wait until the game is finished before I decide if I want to get the game or not.
  15. Signed up just now.
  16. GDI WHY WONT IT LET ME!!! :mad:
  17. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    Night, did you try to go to the lineage site directly? That is what I had to do......
  18. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

  19. fixed thanks to strygun :love:
  20. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    ditto. The ability to fly dragons....mmmmmmm. Also could be a nice diversion for the wife.

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