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Livestream recap

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Public Discussion' started by Wakeless, 27 Nov 2013.

  1. For those of you who didnt see the 4 hour livestream or are just to busy to do soo i have a bullet point recap to sum up some of the major points.

    • Oculus rift still incoming, not fully implemented yet.

    • Banu may be more of a clipper (i take this to mean it will be more fast and manueverable than hevaily armored)

    • There will definately be room for multiple large ships per instance

    • No big ships in first Dogfighting module, likely will start out with just the hornet and be updated with new ships from there.

    • Dogfighting module to be contiueously updated, to end with at least corvetters (YES!!!)

    • They are still working on artwork for the Xian scout, you have not seen it yet. it will have the same vertical design but still remain unique. high priority

    • banu size is slightly smaller than starfarrer. though maybe longer, generally about the same size.

    • As far as ship mounts are concerned it is possible with the system to make missle mounts in to turret mounts though it wouuld have to be written into the code IE if it does not list that as a feature it would not be able too. No ship currently can. Though Chris looked slightly interested in the idea.

    • NPC's will have different levels of effectivenesss, as well as haveing AI profiles that determine their actions. Ranging from aggresive to passive to defensive and so on.

    • The amount of NPC's you can hire is at the moment unresolved, however it will likely be between 6 and 10 (from the sound of it Chris was leaning towards a cap of 6)

    • NPC's affect the total number of combatants per instance. IE if you are piloting an idris with 9 NPC crew and you are in an instance there can be 10 total human or other combatants against you in any combo, such as 10 single seat fighters or such. (This example assumes that 20 people will be the limit, it probably wont so dont worry its just an example)

    • Ship customization, textureing techniques similiar to Brink and Rave. Investing alot of money into new techniques look for that in the future (if someone could shed some light on this as i do not know of Brink or Rave)

    • NPC's gain expiereance.

    • Loading and unloading cargo will have a level of visual immersion but as of yet wont be like a minigame or anything.

    • Emotes will of course come in, he said to pay attention on this, also dogfighting should have some interesting facial animations so watch out for that.

    • How do larger ships fit in hangars? They are still working on this question though some kind of docking collar to a station seems likely.

    • Track R going to be supported, likely not for dogfighting module though.

    • Dogfightiny will likely come later than december.

    • Damage states was a topic covered by Chris. It seems the damage model is rather complex with your ship visually comeing apart as you are destroyed. Not just that but all systems and can affected by combat and individually disabled or destroyed.

    • Shield is still WIP more on that later

    • Dogfighting module will issue "Test Credits" which can be used to buy things within the dogfighting module during the testing period but wwill not transfer into game.

    • New Drake industries hoodies coming out, (featured in vid)

    • Player to player communications are a combination of chat channel/organization channel and some level of voice also likeyl built into the guild system.

    • One of the programmers in Austin (big nose) forget his name talked about a game browser that can be acceseed from mobile devices say, to voice communicate to other players who may be on mobile devices or in game. In his example players would use this sytem to let other guild members know to come on in prep for big events.

    • Physics will affect perception. IE an explosion will knock around your character which will in turn knock around your vision.

    • Voice actors will likely be announced next year.

    • Campaign is a bit bigger than the biggest Wing commander campaign with 50 to 70 missions atm. They have said it will have massive scope and be a game unto itself.

    • There will be FPS elements (on ground too) of gameplay for the Squadron 42 campaign.

    • You will not get to keep a spacecraft from squadron 42.

    • you can opt out of citizenship.

    • Chris Roberts briefly talked about the dialogue system in Star citizen, It will not resemble Mass effect in that it will not be a wheel and the choices you make in conversation have consequeneces on the character. IE if you call a guy a dick in a conversation he will likely not like you and you probably wont be able to talk to him further unless you make it up somehow.

    • There are benefits to playing squadron 42 but players who opt out of it will not be penalized and you can accure all the same benefits in star citizen through other means.

    • Female bodies are still coming. They will be doing a full body scan this year so expect shortly.

    • current in game male model is "placeholder"

    • there will be medals and awards.

    • all dialogue in squadron 42 will be voiced (did not say star citizen however)

    • New stuff for hangars for the holidays, expect at least 2 patches before christmas and the asteroid hangar sometime soon.

    • Cutlass should be in before christmas (yay)

    • Asteroid hangar may eventually become the guild hangar. ziggerot pyramid hangar layout for expansion.

    • They talked about PBR and how the game is switching over to this textureing technique, its quite good. For a game example that currently uses it go see game footage for RYSE.

    • The Avenger is going to updated in the hangar soon as well as being the first model with PBR.

    There was also a video and much discussion about the HUD, and Orchestral elements of the game. i will include links to all the videos as well.

    If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

    Avenger PBR and update video -

    Game Orchestral elements Video -

    Game HUD Elements -

    And finally they did go over a new addition that will be coming to the hangar which is a firing range for ships weapons, they also mentioned briefly it may eventually lead into personal firearms as well.

    Last edited by a moderator: 9 Feb 2014
  2. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Wow, nice summary Wakeless!! :thumbsup:
  3. thanks a ton for the highlights wake.
  4. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Wow, that was an excellent summary. Thanks!
  5. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Between the chaos the kids were capable of bringing it made it difficult to follow the stream. This helps a metric ton.

    Thanks Wakeless for your note taking skills.
  6. I appreciate the synopsis I was looking for a recap last night but couldnt find one.


  7. Thanks! Just what i was needing.

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