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Lord of the Rings Online Divisional Charter

Discussion in 'The Dragon Wolves Recruitment Forum' started by Sentrosi, 2 Apr 2007.

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  1. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Divisional Charter: Lord of the Rings Online
    Clan Draconus Lupus
    (The Dragonwolves)​

    Article I. Introduction
    Section 1.01 War Council Officers and Responsibilities
    Section 1.02 Kinship Rank Structure and Abilities​
    Article II. Recruiting Policy and Process
    Section 2.01 Process
    Section 2.02 Post Recruit Responsibilities​
    Article III. Infractions and Punishments
    Article IV. Required Downloads

    Article I. Introduction

    Honor – Valor – Victory

    Welcome to Clan Draconus Lupus, a kinship in the game Lord of the Rings Online. As you are a prospective recruit with us, please take a moment to read through this document. This document will provide you with information on how this kinship is run. If you feel you cannot live up to these expectations, please inform one of the officers and you will be dropped from the kinship.

    We desire to immerse ourselves in the Lore and the storyline of Tolkein's Middle Earth. We wish to be able to game together and rely on each other to bring separate talents of individuals using various classes and abilities to provide the richest experience possible. We desire to have a mature and reliable kinship. In order to do that we are looking at recruiting solid individuals who exemplify the Clan Draconus Lupus motto. Honor – Valor – Victory. Through the recruiting process we learn who we can rely upon to hold these ideals up. Many apply; some make it through the process. Those that do are forever changed. They are welcomed as brother or sister into a multi-gaming group that spans all of the current PC games. Once you become a Dragonwolf, only your actions determine if you stay a Dragonwolf.

    Section 1.01 War Council Officers and Responsibilities
    (Forum name in parenthesis)

    Steward of the High King – Manitou (Manitou)
    • Responsible for overall running and functioning of the guild.

    Lord of the Mark – Hamma (Hamma)
    • Maintains and updates the Kinship webpage

    Eorl of the Mark – Benevolin (BlackDrop)
    • Keeps track of incoming recruits and notifies when a vote is needed. Also responsible for induction ceremonies.

    Eorl Second of the Mark - TBD ()
    • Assists Recruitment Officer

    Rider of the Mark – Sentrosion(Sentrosi)
    • Advisor to the War Council

    Rider of the Mark – TBD ()
    • Advisor to the War Council

    Section 1.02 Kinship Rank Structure

    Current player level has no bearing upon your rank while a recruit. The following is the fellowship's guild rank structure (from bottom to top) and what each rank gives you.

    Basic Footman (Recruit)

    Footman First Class (Alternate)

    • After passing the probationary period, this rank is bestowed upon you. You will then have full access to our forums.
    • A full Clan Draconus Lupus member who has transferred to this division. As such, they do not have to go through the entire recruit process.

    Levels 20-29: Armsman Second Class

    Levels 30-39: Armsman First Class

    Levels 40-50: Sergeant of the Mark

    War Council of the Mark
    • Advisors to the Steward of the High King . Can invite new recruits and can also kick members out of the kinship.

    Captain of the Mark(PvP)
    • This is for any guild member who wants to create a character for purely PvPing. This will keep those who have multiple Alts to still be kept under our kinship. In order to create a Captain of the Mark, you'll have to have a fully guilded main character first.

    Steward of the High King
    • Leader of the Guild​

    Article II. Recruiting Policy and Process

    “A general is just as good or just as bad as the troops under his command make him.” – Gen. Douglas MacArthur

    It is the policy of Clan Draconus Lupus to recruit players who know how to play well in a large group environment, know when to follow orders, and show that they can help out other guild members. If, during the recruitment process, you fail to show us any of these qualities, you will be dropped from the guild.

    Section 2.01 Process

    All full members of Clan Draconus Lupus are representatives of this kinship. As such they can also petition certain players to become Dragonwolves. Each player who wants to see someone as a Dragonwolf needs to contact a War Council officer or the kinship’s Steward via forum PM or in-game whisper. The officer sends the recruit a kinship invite. That new recruit will be responsible for registering on the forums within 24 hours of guild acceptance. Once registered the recruit will be informed via forum PM what we require from our recruits (Teamspeak and a copy of this Charter) If the recruit fails in completing registration, that person will be dropped from the kinship.

    It is a violation of -CDL-'s Code of Conduct to play a game as a member of -CDL- without registering on the forums. We have set it up so that you must register on our forums and become a member of the Recruits Only user group before you can access our Teamspeak server. The process to become a member is quite simple and is illustrated below.
    First, click this link http://www.dragonwolves.com/forums/gteamspeak.php and follow the directions on it. Should you have any questions, please PM Manitou, Hamma, Marsman, Sentrosi, Black Drop, Thronebeast or Warwolf.

    Once registered and all downloads are installed, the recruit has a period of 30 days to prove his or her worth. At the end of that time the recruit will be presented to the entire kinship as an Armsman to Clan Draconus Lupus during an all-kinship meeting in game. This is a great time for the kinship as we welcome a fellow brother or sister underneath the Dragonwolf’s wings.

    Section 2.02 Post Recruit Responsibilities

    Once you become a Dragonwolf you will be responsible for keeping your character active. We define active as logging onto your character at least every 30 days and participating on the forums. If the period of inactivity reaches a 31st day, the Overlord will kick you from the kinship. If, at some point in the future, you wish to bring that kicked player back into the kinship, please inform one of the officers and the reapplication process will begin. We will review your past service to the kinship and your activity on our forums. If the War Council decides to let you back in, they will send you an invite either while ingame or will alert you via in-game messages. Do not abuse this privilege. The Steward has ultimate power in bringing you back into the fold.

    We feel that gaming together means playing together. If you are having a problem with a certain player, alert one of the officers either in game or on the forums. We take any and all complaints seriously here. We strive to have a fun and exciting kinship. Not one filled with drama. We want to enjoy the world of Tolkien with you.

    Information on leaving the kinship is covered in the next section.​

    Article III. Infractions and Punishments

    ”Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.” -Jim Rohn

    As with any kinship, there are certain rules that are played by. You can find these rules by clicking this link; http://www.dragonwolves.com/coc/. These are the rules that your actions will be measured against. Please become familiar with it and, if you have any questions on it, please drop one of the divisional officers a Private Message on our forums.

    The officers and other players here do not consider Clan Draconus Lupus an XP farming team. We do not look favorably on those who join us and leave us shortly after maxing out their leveling. If you leave this Kinship for reasons the Divisional War Council deems unfitting for a Dragonwolf, you will be Dishonorably Discharged, your rights to the Teamspeak server revoked, and forum access restricted to visitor status. Playing in other divisions will have no bearing on this decision. If you are playing in another division, the War Council will inform your divisional leader of the punishment and you will be kicked from that division as well. Do not take this decision lightly. We are here to have fun and play as a team in ALL of our divisions.

    Article IV. Required Downloads​

    • Teamspeak
    You can find all the information about Teamspeak and how to set it up for your use at this link: http://www.dragonwolves.com/forums/gteamspeak.php

    • Server
    The DragonWolves Official Server will be Meneldor
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