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Marines Do a Game!

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Manitou, 23 Aug 2004.

  1. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    I saw this on FoxNews... pretty cool. Sieldan, don't get too excited! :lol:
  2. Interesting. I could see that having some appeal to non-gamers as well... "Want to bone up on your paintball game?" :)
  3. Boast Post

    Many of the poeple doing that game have worked for Atari Minneapolis. I know many of the development team and the QA side. They are just up the road from us, if you call 20 miles up the road. ;)
  4. Why, that's practically next door! :D
  5. Speaking as someone who has lived in the country (ever run a country block? it aint pretty :p), yes ;).
  6. SWEET! But sucketh too

    See my other thread, but all my computer systems are toast due to lightning strike. :(

    cant wait to see it come out.
  7. Well.. they were 5 minutes from the old Atari studio (depending upon traffic lights)

  8. ERK! Iam never going to that site again! Popups galore, hidious flashing banner adds. nasty *shudders*

    Nice review tho
  9. http://toolbar.google.com/

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