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Marsman is a star! Pure2 is out!

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Om, 12 Jul 2003.

  1. Om

    Om DragonWolf

  2. That is an excessivly large file. Hope its worth it :p
  3. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Lostangel can make one hell of a movie.
  4. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Whoever had the idea of honoring Valin in that movie, I am deeply touched. Sky, I appreciate the words you spoke.

    Valin, to me, was the epitome of the heart of the Dragon Wolf. He fought with Honor and Valor, and even though death took him too soon, he has Victory in the legacy he left behind. I will forever carry his name on my banner.

    Thanks for the mention of the Dragon Wolves. I love this team very much and that also honored them.

    I salute Val wherever he might be.
  5. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    Darious wrote the script and Valin fit perfectly in there. LostAngel wanted to make something special. <3

    Also, the script was checked out and refined by a group from Configsysboy's website, www.tribesroleplayers.com , to make sure the terminology and the enemies mentioned fit in with the Tribes story.
    Last edited: 12 Jul 2003
  6. I will never think I'm good again :(


    That is fucking insane, pardon my french.

    Edit: On a side note, I do think the giant god damn red arrow pointing at the enemies is a little cheap :)
  7. havent been able to wathc it all the way through without my 'pute rebooting itself
  8. Got it downloaded and... nothing will play it. Missing Codecs that no one has... suggestions?
  9. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    qor, download the 5.05 Divx and view it using the Divx viewer.
  10. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer


    Doesent make any sense, but it works. :lol:
  11. Yeah, except Divx installed adware/spyware on my machine. Not exactly happy about that. I should have read the webpage more closely before installing.


    Sweet shooting, though. I suck.
  12. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    Guys, these people dont make every shot like that. They demo themselves and send in only their best. <3
  13. Well, duh. ;) Even when I played every single day, I didn't shoot anything remotely like that, however.

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