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Matrix Online bought by SOE

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Strygun, 16 Jun 2005.

  1. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer


    ORANGE DragonWolf

    .....maybe they can make it work......or maybe more likely it will crash and burn, time will tell.
  3. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    Ah a crappy developer matched with a mostly crappy game, a match made in heaven.
  4. You know if they add it to the Sony Online Access Account I might actually play it. Then can get EQ2, EQ, PS, and MxO for one price. Wish they would put SWG into the mix also.

    MxO itself had some decent concepts, but really bad implementation. Maybe SOE will actually fix some of the problems, and put it up on some better servers. But it sounds like they are more interrested in the rights to the DC MMO in development more than MxO.
  5. It's only a rumour.

    I suggest you don't take it to be fact just yet, not until Monolith make a statement.
  6. Press release from SOE:

  7. Then the list of players may dramatically drop now after this. I always planned to get the game, but after this I'm not so sure.

    I don't ever plan to allow my MMO to go to SOE... it will be built from "start-to-finish" by who I choose, or it will not be built at all.

    SOE are simply trying to monopolise good story-universes without the actual experience to take them to the next level, and that can be a dangerous practice that I don't want my fiction to be dragged into, regardless of the money involved.
  8. I believe SWG is included now.
  9. Ah your right. Just switched over my account. I'm not crazy about any of the games atm, but you never know when you'll get the urge. Be nice if NCsoft would offer a similar plan.

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