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/me cries.

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Om, 7 Apr 2002.

  1. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    No Tribes 2.

    No MIRC.


    I'm trapped on my husband's computer until mine is fixed which could take forever.

    So, what have I been doing to occupy my time since I lost contact with the gaming world??

    In between trips to my bedroom with trays of food and such for my husband, I took the kids for a hike at our really awsome local nursery where they've made a woody path around a small lake to feature some of their plants. We fished tadpoles out of a pond there and we now have them in an aquarium. We are awaiting the day their legs sprout. Tree frogs, these will be. I also supplemented my herb garden with some sage and thyme.

    I took the kids to the renaisance faire today. We had a great time. My daughter is totally into it. She wants to be a princess with a sword and is puzzled about why purple is reserved for the Queen alone to wear.

    My son was taken by the hourglasses for sale at one of the booths. I would have gotten him one except that they were $36 for the very smallest one. He insisted we return to the shop with the hourglasses about 45 minutes later so he could make sure to turn the one's that had run out of sand and to my astonishment, the very smallest ones were now $40. Inflation, you know.

    We returned home today and ran to see if any legs had sprouted from our tadpoles yet. None so far. Of course we've only had them a day.
  2. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    Can you DL Mirc onto your hubby's comp for the time being ?? and also you can goto http://lite.icq.com to use icq and you dont have to DL it . All you do is type in your ICQ # and password to use it .
  3. Fun time with the kids~! EXCELLENT~!
    Mmmmm... My son has taken to painting, and we are getting my wife a 'pull-behind' to put him in when she goes biking. Teaching him how to use a sword will have to wait as he's just mastering the fork.

    But he thinks he’s such a 'grown-up' lad.
    Here is a photo of him - Chatting - I think he's trying to call Mani's daughter...?


    ”Many times, when reading a book, I would stop and thank my teacher. Well, that is, I used to, until she got an unlisted number.”
  4. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    Spending time with the kids is always good . I dont have any of my own , but i do have 3 nieces i spend time with :)
  5. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    Very cute, PM. :)

    Throne, my husband uses this computer for work and he doesnt' want me going and installing a virus on it or anything like that so he get's pretty grumpy with me when I mention mirc and icq although he's let me put them on here in the past.

    Trust me, he's not in the mood for me to request icq and mirc right now. After he stops cussing about the pain he's in I might try and persuade him.
  6. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    Whats wrong with your comp Queen ?
  7. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    Maybe the power supply. I started having UE's and constant game freezes. A day or two ago my computer started turning itself off and whenever I booted it, it made horrible sounds. Now it' won't come on at all.

    My husband suspected a fan at first, now he says power supply. He can't fix it till he feels better.
  8. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    Well hope you come back soon ,and hope your hubby gets feeling alot better very soon also :D
  9. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    Thanks. Me too. :)
  10. Doh

    Sorry to hear about everything , but it will all be better soon and you can come find me in T2 and try to kick my butt :p lol .
  11. Full Otto

    Full Otto Chain Gun Madman

  12. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Always by your side. Want a banana??

  13. Otto -
    Cottect you are - to make chainmail all you need is wire, a screwdriver and a pair if pliers~!
    However...beggin your pardon but Starfire swords DO break. I know this for a fact...
    AND, no, we weren't banging them against rocks. We were using them for what they were intended...

    But that was several years ago. Perhaps their quality has improved??


    "He who lives by the sword, gets stuck-ith"
  14. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    How about jewelry pliers and paper clips? That would certainly be interesting chainmaile.

    As for the sword, she's 7 and leery of even cutting her own steak with a sharp knife, although she was trying to talk me into buying her a dagger at the fair.
  15. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    It's a deal. :)

    ...and what do you mean "try" ????
  16. Great Dane


    Here is a link to IRC that you can use Queen. It's all web based so there is nothing to install, and your Hubby won't get upset.

    It works just like the forum. Everytime someone types something in, the page refreshes and you see it. I use it at work all the time, and we aren't allowed to install anything on our comps here.


    Just change the server to irc.dynamix.com and the room to CDL, and you'll be all set.
  17. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    you should find out if there is any place where you can give fencing lessons, the worst you can get is a bruise well unless the blade bends too much and breaks on the person, but that shouldn't happen if you are doing it right.
  18. mmm

    i just recently started looking for a fencing school in my area, i would love to learn (Sword play has always been an interest of mine, and i seem to have some natural talent for it, so i figure dig up the cash and here we go... if i can find one). As for the ren fair... well, this summer i am planning on crashing my local fest with two of my friends, we are all theatre freaks, one of them already knows shakespearian english (he was in a shakespear troop last summer) and i intend to learn, we are going to the the outfits and everything. Should be a blast. Only problem is that you cant spend a fortune there without noticing.
  19. Are you serious?
    If so, are you interested in FENCING or SWORD PLAY?

    I might be able to hook you up...

  20. last time i think we was going at it
    you was saying OUCHIE AEGLE :p

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