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Medal of Honor MP Beta

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by phafandamm, 3 Jul 2010.

  1. phafandamm

    phafandamm DragonWolf

    Has anyone else been playing this game? Graphics are cool but seems like another BBFC2...
  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Phaf, try out APB. Cops and robbers fun.
  3. There is a beta for it but only on the console-versions. The recession has made pc betas not very desirable.
  4. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    im playin it on pc , got a choice of pc or ps3

    its alright , only good thing i like sofar was either spawn on front lines or base after being killed..no having to run all the way from base if your group is dead
  5. oh ok, are we all using "-CDL-" as a tag?
  6. phafandamm

    phafandamm DragonWolf

    Mani- ws looking at that and it looks fun!!
    Tbeast are you on TS when you play? If so I'll hit you up when I get on.
  7. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    So i tried to do the -CDL- tag and right now it shows in game [CDL] then name

    Phaf : i go in and maybe play 10-30 mins once a week right now.

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