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Metal Gear Online

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 31 Jul 2007.

  1. I gotta say (as I have many times) that I can't stand the fact MGS4 times their trailers to coincide with Halo3 out of spite... worse still, they've even released the same trailer in four different flavours while trying to make up their minds about the storyline!

    The idea that they've made the concept into an online game as well does make me a little more confident in what they're doing, though. However, it may not appear to everone -- think 2142 in the Metal Gear universe.

    The Announcement Interview can be seen here.
  2. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Solid Snake is so solidly old news. Not even remotely interested.

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