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Middle Earth Online

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Ingwë, 24 Aug 2003.

  1. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    Thats right a Lord of the Rings Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. Its being developed by Turbine and is still in alpha. Here is a little quicktime trailer of it: http://my.ign.com/my/sb?action=doDwn&method=nrm&dwnId=573125&network=99&q=f (rightclick and select save target as)
    The graphics, in my opinion, are better then World of Warcraft's. You can play as an elf, human, hobbit, or dwarf. Depending on your actions you will be welcomed differently into towns. You can be good and work for the alliance or you can become evil and work for sauron, all depending on what you do.
    Last edited: 24 Aug 2003
  2. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    This game will be a dissapointment, there is NO WAY they can live up to the story hehe
  3. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    New information, they are building a system in which you can learn new skills and advance abilities while off-line. This will let people enjoy the game without having to spend every waking hour to advance. They also announced more on the good evil system. Based on your actions and solutions to quests your good/evil meter will change. Depending on your meter you can equip certain items. For example if you are evil on the meter then you can equip the sword of Iliketokillchildrenintheirsleep but not the sword of puregoodness. This system also changes your job, for example if you are a sage and you are good then you become a sorcerer, but if you are evil then you become a necromancer.
    There will also be a privet encounter for some quests. This means that in some areas you go into will be private, meaning just you and your group, to prevent people from camping quests. However this is only for some quest areas. Areas for harder quests may require multiple fellowships to fight together.

    I think the graphics are amazing: http://media.pc.ign.com/media/012/012112/img_1880055.html

    Here is a gallery: http://media.pc.ign.com/media/012/012112/imgs_1.html
    Last edited: 14 Dec 2003
  4. I think I actaully have to agree with Hamma on this one :eek:.

    graphics don't make gameplay, and as of recently I don't really trust any companies other than blizzard to make a good game anymore.
  5. Good grief.

    NOTHING can live up to the story Tolkien penned on paper. Nothing can nor ever will. It's just too massive of a work of art. But the attempt that MEO is going for it worth the look.

    Legendary - count me in on giving it a look. If they steer clear of the disappointment that War of the Ring showed then they're doing pretty good.
  6. The sole reason I never play any of those games.
  7. :stupid:
    This is dumb. This leaves the game wide open for cheats etc. that's one of the best things about mmo's....no cheating on level, well minimal cheating anyways ;), due to everything skillbased being serverside. Big mistake...
    Last edited: 15 Dec 2003
  8. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    No I don't think you understand. They built a system so your character can gain abilities and skills while you aren't playing. Meaning, you don't have to play the game constantly to get to a reasonable level.

    I think you thought that this stytem let you play the game offline, which is un-true, and doesn't really go with the idea of a MMORPG.
    Last edited: 15 Dec 2003
  9. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    ah, thats how I understood it as well. Not that I will buy this game, but thats how I read it :p
  10. thats pretty cool that your character still cruises around even if your not on. i just hope they cannot die when your not on :(
  11. I can't say the graphics are "better" because Blizzard has that unique art style all of their own.
  12. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    There is new information at ign http://pc.ign.com/articles/446/446583p1.html. For those of you too lazy to read it, the new information says that in the character making process you get to choose what vocation your character has and what their upbringing was. Also the experience system is not just general exp. For example if you are an elf scout and you kill a few orcs with knives, your knife skill will increase however your archery skill won't go up, so experience is only given to what is used. Also the battle system will be more key stroke based, meaning actual tactical fighting instead of the click on monster and attack like in some mmorpgs (*cough* final fantasy xi *cough*). There is also an update on the private encounters. When you enter dungeons and what not, you are given the choice to enter it privately or openly. There will be PvP but that system has yet to be fully announced.
  13. Sounds interesting. For now, I'll just play max payne 2 and nfs:u (finish the nfs:u off first)
  14. nope didn't understand....thats a little better ;)
  15. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    sorry about that :D
  16. I am in love with Legolas. Everytime he shows up on the screen I melt...
  17. I need food.

    I was gonna type stuff relating to this post but I realized after I hit the reply button that I'm ****ing HUNGRY...so..I'm gonna go eat now....
  18. kinda related....sorta.....hobits need to eat lots so ;)

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