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NebulaNine Membership Application

Discussion in 'The Dragon Wolves Recruitment Forum' started by NebulaNine, 28 Apr 2013.

  1. Member Name: NebulaNine

    What is your main character game name?: NebulaNine

    Please list any alternate character names you may or do use. (Separate by commas).: N/A

    What game division with the DragonWolves are you applying for?: PlanetSide 2

    Are you at or over the age of 18?: No

    List your gaming history and experiences;: I started playing games way back in my childhood, mostly sticking to rpg's and rts's. Whenever I have enlisted myself in any team-based game I almost exclusively employed myself as a medic; striving off of helping other people. I have a 8-9 knowledge of personal gaming, along with much more when it comes to indirect knowledge of genre's and hardware/software developments.

    What other guilds, outfits or clans had you been with or presently are with or you have applied to?: I have mostly just played with friends but in the past years I have made the switch into the PC gaming scene, so I almost always play alone or only with a few people. The only guild/clan I have ever joined would be the Legacy League in DC Universe; which I am still currently a part of.

    If you are in or were in an outfit or had applied to an outfit, why did you leave or decide not join or want to leave those outfits?: N/A

    Tell us about your Real Life self;
    (Age, Location, Family, Work, Schooling, Hobbies, CDL Friends, etc).:
    I'm a 15 year-old hailing from Redford, Michigan;although I currently reside in Indiana. The fact that I seem to be so juvenile will hopefully not play a role in my submission process, as it does not reflect on my mature mental attitude that I pride myself on having. I have a large family that spans multiple generations and geographic areas, from the West to the East coasts. I am set-up to be employed this Summer at a local grocery store, it being my first real job. I also a Sophomore with stellar grades and a lot free time on my hands, which I like to spend on gaming, learning to code/program, and PC tinkering. I plan on attending the University of Washington in Seattle and obtaining a degree in Computer Science. I just recently constructed my first PC rig and it went off without a hitch. Although I am not currently acquainted with any CDL members, I look foward to developing friendships with the clan members given the chance.

    You've read about us or possibly have seen the Dragon Wolves in action by video or in game. Something brought you to come and want to join us. What is it that brought you here and why do you want to join the Dragon Wolves?: After watching numerous gameplay videos of the DragonWolves in action; it seems that there is a great sense of teamwork and camaraderie which appears to be unrivaled when compared to other groups with similar agendas. Branching off a bit here, I am a member of the local robotics group and work as one of the programming personal at the annual robotics competition we have; giving me a sense of responsibility and brotherhood with those that I work with.

    Have you read and understand our <a href="http://www.dragonwolves.com/coc/latest.pdf" target="_blank">Code of Conduct</a>?: Yes

    Where did you hear about us?: Existing Member, PlanetSide Universe

    If you selected other above, where did you hear about us?: N/A
    Last edited: 28 Apr 2013
  2. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    Welcome :)
  3. GraniteRok

    GraniteRok Executive Officer Officer

    Welcome! Great that you've signed up with us! :thumbsup:
  4. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Welcome NebulaNine! I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield.
  5. Jennyboo

    Jennyboo Public Relations Officer Officer

    Welcome :)
  6. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Welcome and good luck! :D

    SGTHACK DragonWolf

  8. Welcome and good luck!!
  9. Welcome NN. Good luck with your app. :)
  10. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Great to play with you last night NebulaNine. Hope you had fun.

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