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Need For Speed Underground 2

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Paladin, 27 Oct 2004.

  1. Ok i think it was incomp that told me about this game last night, the demo is on File Planet. All I can say is that this game is BAD ASS and I will get it. Hell I played the demo for an hour and can't wait to play it again.

    The music is unreal, the base is so damn smooth. Graphics are sweet and the game play is sweet. It uses the cars from the fast and furious, some of the cars even have spinners on them which is kinda cool for a game to have.

    Anyway I give this game 5 stars

    btw 3:25.21 is my best race time it put me at first place and 60k for the skidding thing
    Last edited: 27 Oct 2004
  2. Shitty songs (Chingy LOLOLOL) except for the break remix by Paul Van Dyke. I hope release has more songs like that, and not lowbrow Rap music.
  3. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    will need to DL and try it out then :)
  4. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    The interface is a little wierd.

    You can pimp an Escalade it looks like too.

    4 out of 5 only cause of the interface.
  5. I am glad that they have a more "real" drifting gametype. Driving down a mountain drifting through the corners is a lot nicer than than just skidding around in a parkinglot.
  6. Lunar

    Lunar Development Officer Officer

    i loved nfs:u... play the nfs:u 2 demo and think its the best racing game ever :p

  7. Just because you dont like Rap music doesn't mean its lowbrow first off. Second any song that has a good beat and bass to it is my style so let them all roll as long as I have my base.

    For a change of pace in the demo run the track in reverse.
  8. playn it on x-box live will kick ass :D

    we have nfsu 1 and it was a ton of fun unlocking parts, customizing cars and stuf... good times
  9. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    NFSU was fun as hell, havent installed demo yet but will shortly.
  10. skeet skeet skeet....
  11. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    I dl it and went into play....had some damn screen on and couldnt get rid of it....i couldnt see crap , gj cingular :\
  12. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

  13. Not great but meh

    [​IMG] <BR>
  14. had the same problem, lower the graphical rez. I couldn't get it past 1024 x 768 at first.

    holly shit mog
  15. Racing games just aren't my thing, guys. Sorry
  16. I'll be getting it, I just won't be looking forward to the longer races b/c everytime I had to race one of those 7 or 6 lap races I'd end up like this:

    Last edited: 28 Oct 2004
  17. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Yea the long races suck :lol:
  18. looks fun, the 350Z is one of my favorite cars.
  19. is amazon lying or is it really coming out the 9th of nov?
  20. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    That's what I have heard as well.

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