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Neocron: Beyond Dome of York Closed Beta

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 14 Jul 2004.

  1. Please try and show some respect here (despite the fact that some are only interested in the female character models).

    A trailer for the expansion is now available:
    http://www.csh.rit.edu/~lev/NC.BDOY.TRAILER.MPEG-1.800x592.BR3000.MPG (MPEG 64MB)
    http://www.csh.rit.edu/~lev/NC.BDOY.TRAILER.DIVX.800x592.AVI (DivX 164MB)

    The trailer will explain most of the changes, but suffice to say, all models in the game have changed from 750-1250... to 2000-5000 polygons, each.

    The closed beta launches on July 19th. Anyone who wants to play it for themselves can register here. I might be, now I have my DSL (which may change to 1MB now a price shift has occured):
    Last edited: 14 Jul 2004

    Out of curiosity.. do you actually have to aim shown weapons or is it one of those:
    Step 1: Click attack
    Step 2: Send a PWNED! tell
  3. BDoY Beta Application

    Not sure if the Free 10-day trial counts for the beta.. but I'm not gonna buy the game just to test their expansion for them :p
  4. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Now why can't SOE do that with Planetside? I'm talking about the movie.
  5. It applies to anyone with an active account.

    You do earn skill points for aiming at parts of a target instead of right at them like in an FPS... so no, it is more based on accuracy and range for how many skill points you earn from a kill.
  6. To clarify, yes, it is fps style combat, not traditional rpg.

    Is a relatively complex game though, have to craft weapons and such. I did a trial once a long while ago.
  7. For the beta you have to download 2 gigs? Holy crap.
  8. ...you didn't really believe that their beta would be any different from any other MMORPG, did you?

    Besides, I think it's 2GB becuase it will essentially overwrite the graphics that come with the original Neocron game when you buy it (that's 1.3GB of the main game, plus 700MB for the expansion 's content).
    Last edited: 15 Jul 2004
  9. Just to let you all know the Neocron: BDOY Open Beta is now running.

    The best way to download the client is through BitTorrent. A thread at the Neocron Forums, detailing all you need to know can be found here:


    The download-location for the .torrent file is also located there. Please bear in mind that you will also have to create a free Beta Account once the client is installed (full instructions on how to do this will be shown on the first-run of the Client Launcher.
    Last edited: 6 Sep 2004
  10. Another new development, the Neocron Site was updated today. Check it out!

    It comes in three divergent flavours:

    http://entry.neocron.com/neocron/index.html (Neocron)
    http://entry.neocron.com/doy/index.html (Dome of York)
    http://entry.neocron.com/wastelands/index.html (The Wastelands)

    Alternatively, you can skip the niceties and head straight to the more detailed stuff (Be careful if you have headphones... the background-sound on "The Wastelands" skin literally makes the bones in your nose resonate!):


    To recap on what has been added the Hacknet system for hackers and other data-thieves:

    The Dome of York location, which is the principle purpose of the upgrade:

    Although this is not a definite, the final image seems to be a look at the remastered characters, taken from the now DX9-supported engine:

    My recommendation would be to get it from either the FilePlanet download, or Bit Torrent, as both have pausing-capabilities for this large download: 1.58GB!
    Last edited: 9 Sep 2004
  11. ok im download from fileplanet, what group/class should i be?

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