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Neocron Evolution (BDOY 2.1)

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 24 Nov 2005.

  1. It's been such a long time I've looked at this game, and what with RF Online probably being unplayable until January, I thought I'd have another look at the first MMOFPS I played...

    N E O C R O N !!!

    When I last posted about this game, the graphics engine was being updated to accommodate the world for DX9 technology, however it appears that's not all that's been happening lately. The whole point of the ongoing campaign has been part of a complete overhaul of the game itself, which will include the release of several nice, new weapons (to make it simple I have created a collage):


    These are all the images I could find, but if you look here, you’ll understand just how much has been improved!

    There are about 15 new weapons planned, new quests, another dungeon and a host of additions and changes to the skill and PvP systems. To coincide with the release of the Neocron 2’s (large) update on December 1st, the official website is being redone and a new 10-day trial version of the game will also be released, to show off the new engine to players.

    I'm definitely going to have a look at getting back into the game. Anyone who cares to join me is welcome to, but you will need to buy a copy of new game version.
    Last edited: 24 Nov 2005
  2. Oakfist

    Oakfist DragonWolf

    Read about this for a while today, and was reading the forums while at work for a little info. This looks real interesting, So I got home tonight and D/L the trial and signed up, I am now D/L all the patches, this looks interesting. If your gonna be playing it for a little bit, and you have to roll another character, maybe we should hook up in game and see if we can learn (in your case relearn), and help each other out a little bit.:p
  3. That'd be great. I don't think I ever got past lvl 5 cuz I had to give up playing the game (college work), but apart from the engine I don't believe much has changed. The last time I was ingame was when they were talking about the Neutron Weapon crisis that DOY was building - you can find the full details about it in the online manual.

    There is also a publication called the Neocronicle Magazine. Originally I did a tiny bit of RPG work for it before the company took it over to help expand the game's fiction. You can find the site for that here.
    Last edited: 26 Nov 2005
  4. heh, I remember in the neocron beta one time, all the zones around the zone I was in had crashed so a bunch of us spent the time jumping off ledges and hitting the ground to level up our stamina.
  5. Yeah well, hopefully that will have been fixed by now...:)
  6. is this an entirely different game than the original neocron? is it any good?
  7. Yes and no. The first Neocron had only one city in it; the one based on the game's namesake.

    Since then there has been an expansion called Beyond Dome of York which included the DOY second city mentioned in the game's story-timeline. Then to make things simpler for everyone, they eventually merged these two packages into a single game. Now we have Neocron2. This is the same as the merged version, except has been undergoing a gradual revamp of the graphics engine you find more from a game like, say, FarCry. They started off with player models and have since done weaponry. Vehicles and items are bound to be rebuilt as time goes on...

    All I know is, this MMOFPS has been running nearly twice as long as PlanetSide and the developers have stated they are still continuing the story and adding things for players. There is still the indication that other things from the timeline are planned to be intergrated as well, meaning that the third city on Earth may make an appearance as a playable culture, which could be very interesting.

    If people are stille playing it despite the age of its engine who are we to argue.

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