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Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Arglaar, 3 Oct 2003.

  1. Yeah but are we going to all clamor over it then not do a thing?
    I seem to remember the same happening with Undrentide.
  2. Yea.. I got Unrentide.. and it seemed like nobody else did...

    I finished it.. and basically it seemed like everyone's interest in it failed after that.

    One of the things I saw that really intrigued me about Underdark, is that it raises the Level cap to 40. So we can continue our characters from before.
  3. I remember reading that when they announced the Undrentide title and the "tentative" work in progress on the next Expansion. I very well may snag this one.

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