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new pc

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Public Discussion' started by scrub, 17 Nov 2013.

  1. I know this is still a ways off, but I ran across this and remembered some of you guys already possibly needing an upgrade on a pc, so this might come in handy.


    it even filters part that are compatable for you.
  2. I thought everybody used pcpartpicker. It's great!

    You can check graphs of prices over time on the parts you like and even set price alerts to be emailed to you when they hit a certain amount or less.
    Last edited: 17 Nov 2013
  3. cool site, it is going in the bookmarks.
  4. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Great find...bookmarking.
  5. If anyone is upgrading soon and going with an Intel processor, Microcenter has i7-4770K's on sale for $199 till Thursday. Got mine a few months ago and at base speed its easily as fast as my OC'd i5-2500K was. If you don't live near one I can prolly pick it up for you. Not sure if you can pay online and have someone else actually in store pick it up, if not you can paypal it back to me.
  6. Nah my AMD-8350 will still be trucking even when this game comes out, and since the cryengine is optimized for multicores I should be much better off then in some previous games I played.
  7. Another neat site I found today. It gives you a clear list of the upgrade path and costs for each component along with total prices tiered for your budget.


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