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Ninja Gaiden

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Daleon, 8 Mar 2004.

  1. So anyone else absolutely cracking out on this game yet?

    Got it last week, and wow. This game is about as perfect as perfect can be. I'm stuck in chapter 5 right now. This game is HARD, and I'm not even to the hard stuff yet. This is great, bc lately all the games have been a joke to beat. To see a sequal of a classic game be re-made with such quality and come out so well, its a great thing. Anyone with an Xbox who likes action games has to get this one.
  2. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    I remember the first ninja gaiden for the nes, that game was great, though the final part was impossible to beat. Every time you died fighting a boss, you would start back at the beginning of the act. The very ending had 3 incredibly hard bosses (that I know of). Good times.
  3. ahh yes...that game and Ghost and Goblins. Incredibly hard both of them. Good times...that was when the only care in the world was school. *sigh*
  4. Ninja Gaiden is a definite must have for any serious XBox owner. Degs here at work got it and beat it this weekend. The only downfall about the game so far is that the first couple of levels seem harder than the rest of the game. Although that may be because you don't have a lot of the extra stuff like later in the game.
  5. i have it and its great

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