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Noex of Laughing Skull

Discussion in 'The Dragon Wolves Recruitment Forum' started by noex, 25 Jan 2005.

  1. Greetings, I am NoEx from Laughing Skull (Alliance, of course). I was throwing my card into the recruitment hat. I suppose I will just list acouple facts:

    16 Gnome Mage (Fire Spec) - Leveling 2-3 times Daily
    22 Years of Age
    Bloody's brother
    Play 5+ hours daily, 3 times a week or more.
    Works full time in the Computer Industry.

    MMO's Played = EQ, EQ2, AC, AC2, SWG, PS, DAoC, and others not worth mentioning so much.
    Spent most of my play time on DAoC: Mordred (/played 6 Months, 12 Days, 21 hours). So I am fairly versed in PvP. I have 6 level 50's on 2 servers there.

    Well, I hope that feilds all the questions.

  2. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

    Welcome :D
  3. Alliance recruitment is currently suspended until further notice due to the influx of new members.

    However, we'll keep your app on file and hope to see you around when we open back up!

    (in the mean time you could play Horde with us on Bleeding Hollow!)
  4. As Strygun said, recruiting is currently on hold for at least another week as we take the time to get acclimated to the newest batch of recruits.

    Keep checking back to see when we will be recruiting again. (Near future)

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