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One for the armed...

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Ground Chuk, 10 Dec 2007.

  1. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    ...that actually gets media coverage.

    The Brady Bunch are probably saying "Dang it, she stopped a massacre with her LEGAL gun"

    Guns....evil? No. It's the people who use them. This is just ONE example out of MANY (This one gets media attention) wher firearms are used to PREVENT more killings.

    You stop the idiot as soon as possible.....lives are saved.

    Those who are in favor of guns ARE NOT in favor of gun violence. You BET we will use this woman to our advantage....we get so few. She saved MANY LIVES with her actions with her LEGAL FIREARM.

    THIS is how it could be in ANY public/private place, if those who decide to carry a firearm are ALLOWED to.

    She defended in a CHURCH. Those are, in Ohio, enumerated Criminal Protection Zones, unless the head dude says you can carry.

    The mall in the latest shooting was a "Guns Free Zone"...shows how much CRIMINALS follow LAWS or RULES, eh?

    The more Law- Abiding Citizens carry, the more we can stop these things...stop you or your CHILDREN...from being shot by some full blown wackaloons.

    Arm up people, and get back your RIGHTS, Guaranteed by YOUR Constitution, to defend yourself.

    The police have no obligation to your safety, only you do. Do something about it.

    This woman did, and she saved many lives by killing one.

    She needs commended.
  2. this is one of the few things that i agree with you on
  3. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    Funny, the article leaves out that she was a licensed CCWer, and wasn't really a security guard. The church has people who volunteer to provide security.

    She was in regular clothes (not security guard type uniform). She isn't employed as a security guard. She volunteers as she has her CCW license. She does have LEO background out of Minnisota, but left the force in I believe 1997 to move to Colorado.

    The church (Ted Haggard was the previous big guy) uses volunteers who have their CCW's (Trained to carry a weapon, just as almost all states have...I am one).

    I, fortunately, have never been in the situation to even think about clearing leather. But, it is an option I have. Those in the Massacre Free Zones (Gun Free Zones..funny how massacres always happen there) don't have that option.

    Anyone get a connection to that? Gun Free Zone....Lot's of people SHOT.

    Like Arsenio Hall used to say..."Make's you go HMMMMM........"
  4. Actually, they do. "To serve and protect."
  5. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    No, the Supreme Court of the US decided that they are NOT required to protect, in an individual aspect.

    YOU are an individual aspect. They are to Serve and Protect the GENERAL GOOD.

    They will get there when they can. You can't expect more!

    Say your police could get to you within two minutes of your call.

    Hold your breath for two minutes.

    Think about what can happen in two minutes.
  6. I can, in fact, hold my breath for two minutes. (my personal best is 2:37.)

    But obviously, that's not what you meant. I'm absolutely fine with the fact that you do not have faith in your local police department. I am saddened, however, that you are attempting to spread this lack of faith to others. I feel quite safe knowing that my local police and sheriff's departments are protecting the "general good" (and, thereby, me.) Every day, when I go about my business, I do not fear being shot at, kidnapped, or robbed. I know that my life is secure. But I do also remember that those officers and deputies who are protecting the "general good" are putting their lives on the line every time they put that uniform on. I will not strip them of the honor they deserve.

    In my first post in this thread I decided not to include the following link. However, I've decided now that perhaps I should. Ground Chuk, you are an advocate of the right to carry, obviously. In posting this, let me be clear in the fact that I am not equating you with the perpetrator in this story.
    This incident occurred in my home town. This officer was killed for no reason. Why? A man was carrying a gun.

    Chuk, I respect your right to an opinion and your right to express yourself. What I do not respect, however, is the way in which you go about it. Your comments are borderline anarchical and that troubles me.

    Please, stop trying to be so provocative and start having sensible discourse.
  7. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    I agree Chuck is a bit alarmist in his views. I feel the same about the police as you do Stry.

    However, I am guessing that guy who shot the police officer didn't have a license to carry it so that doesn't really prove any point other than what we already know, criminal's don't follow laws and police risk their lives everyday.
  8. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    Hamma brings up a point. Did he have his CCW license?

    Which brings up another point. Being a law-abiding citizen, do I NEED a license?

    Anyway, if someone is shooting at LEO, then there better be a good reason...unwarranted search.....

    Your story is about some idiot that has a gun. Wow, suprise. Someone using a gun for criminal activity. We call them CRIMINALS. If they use a knife...should we ban all knives??

    CRIMINALS!!!! That is who use these tools for ill. One broke into my garage with a screwdriver. Egad, Holy Hell, let's BAN SCREWDRIVERS!

    As far as response time... Dayton prides their police on a FIVE minute response time.

    Try holding your breath for that.

    The OK mall was around two minutes. That is why I used it. When did the police finally get there? Who knows, as the shooter did his damage. If a law-abiding citizen had been in the vicinity, fewer people would have died.

    There WAS a CCW'er at the mall that day, who could have taken action....but his gun was IN HIS CAR, because the mall was a CRIMINAL PROTECTION ZONE.

    Why do people find it so hard to understand...CRIMINALS DON'T FOLLOW LAWS, only Law-Abiding Citizens do!!

    A SIGN is NOT going to stop a CRIMINAL!!!!
  9. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    Sensible discourse would certainly mean actual facts. Everything I post can be backed up.

    Borderline anarchical! heheheheh You have no idea!

    But you can speculate, which that Right I completely agree with.

    If there is something that I have posted that you can refute with facts, then I look forward to it. I'm not afraid of being wrong.
  10. Chuk,

    I think we all know that you're very well versed in the law and that this issue is close to your heart. I have no doubts that you know the facts.

    What I hope you realize, however, is that I'm not attempting to engage you in a debate of carrying a concealed weapon or not. My comments were directed toward your comments about law enforcement officers, which you did not address.

    Chuk, as I stated before, I respect the fact that you have your own opinions. What I do not respect is the way in which you express them. I will not get involved in an internet shouting match with you.

    Best wishes.
  11. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    I have the utmost respect for LEO.

    I just know that they can't be there to protect each individual. And they aren't expected to. That protects them from lawsuits.

    I am not putting undue expectations on our LEO friends. I understand they can't be everywhere at once. Thinking they can actually puts them at a disadvantage, and will ultimately make them look bad.

    Not sure how I make the LEO look bad.
  12. The thing is, anybody can potentially be a criminal. The stupid to smart person ratio in America is staggering, and I can think of 2/3rds of the nation simply not being intelligent and responsible enough to wield a firearm. Of course it is easy enough for a criminal to get a firearm as it is, and gun restrictions would not do anything to deter this fact. This is largely why I am against any form of gun control. It will not solve the problem it seeks to address. All it would do is impede on one of my constitutional rights, with no benefit in return. The lawmakers can't be so stupid as to think gun control will deter crime...or maybe they are.

    Until I am given a valid argument for how gun control would help deter crime, I will defend my constitutional right.
  13. symen

    symen DragonWolf

    I'm not trying to speak for Chuk here, only myself. I've had a couple of interactions with law enforcement in my life, as I imagine most people have. I also know several law enforcement officers personally. Now, I have never been arrested, and have no criminal record. However, I've been subjected to forced searches of my vehicle and person at traffic stops with no justification (and how is the "license and registration please" line at traffic stops different from the "papers please" line from the old Soviet Union?), and forced interrogations with no justification other than that I happened to be traveling down a certain road or sidewalk. Now, I've had other interactions with law enforcement which were conducted in a perfectly reasonable manner.

    Of the officers whom I know personally, some conduct themselves in a completely inappropriate manner, and others take their service extremely and conduct themselves in a most honorable manner that, frankly, commands respect. The split is pretty much 50/50. It's odd to me that I don't know anyone who falls into the middle ground, but this is admittedly anecdotal, and a very small sample group.

    My point is that I respectfully disagree with you that law enforcement as a whole are deserving of any particular honor due solely to their choice of vocation. I think some officers are deserving of honor because they conduct themselves in an honorable fashion and are generally honorable people, while I think others are deserving of nothing.

    Again, I don't know about Chuk, but my views are borderline anarchical, at least comparatively speaking. It actually troubles me to learn that other people's views are not. History has demonstrated time and again that whenever large numbers of people are systematically killed, the constant in nearly every case is an out of control authoritarian government. It is my opinion that instilling any level of trust in any government is a dangerous thing to do, as government itself is a double-edged sword. Population density being what it is, some form of government is obviously necessary, but nothing is as dangerous to human life as unchecked government power.
  14. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Very well stated (as usual Symen), and I agree 100%.
  15. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    This is true, there are some real asshat cops out there who think they ARE the LAW.

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