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One time in this game called Planetside...

Discussion in 'The Dragon Wolves Recruitment Forum' started by Platypus, 5 Dec 2005.

  1. I met this great Clan!

    Sadly, life has a tendancy to sucker punch you at the worst time.

    I see you guys play BF2 now as well, maybe I'll pop in!

    Is Mani still around?

  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Heya Platy!! I am always around - they won't let me leave. :p

    We are heavily involved in World of Warcraft (obviously). We have troops playing BF2, CoV, and RF Online.

    As far as WoW, we have an active division on Agrammar (Alliance) and an active division on Twisting Nether (Horde). Both are enjoying the game immensely!

    Good to see you around!

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