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Organization Thread in SC Forums?

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Public Discussion' started by Manitou, 23 Nov 2013.

  1. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Hey guys, does the CDL have a thread started in the organizations threads area of the SC forums yet?

    I was just curious. I was doing some reading there today and couldn't locate one, if it is there. Sorry if I missed it!

    I did see some familiar faces over there. I noticed BWC has an organization. That is cool.

    Anyway, thanks!
  2. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    We've been working on this for a bit.
    Only get one chance to make a first impression.
    Last edited: 23 Nov 2013
  3. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Indeed. From what I have experienced with you guys, it will be an excellent thread.

    Looking forward to reading it, and posting there!
  4. I think we should wait until at least Alpha is up and running... with the exception of myself who wants to pledge but waiting for the right opportunity, there are those of us still on the fence about committing to the game until they've had a chance to experience the gameplay for themselves, first-hand. I know we have the Hanger, though that's not really the same thing.

    Trailers can be as beautiful as you want but, until we know how the game is going play for ourselves, I believe it would be premature to begin recruitment or we may end up in the same position as with PS2.
  5. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Never ever too early to recruit.
    All of the Division Officers have been actively looking at the "Looking for Organizations" thread on the RSI forums for pilots and people we feel would be great contributors to the corporation. Including branching out to hit a previously untapped resource, Europe. If we get at least fifteen European players who are Dragonwolves, we could better protect our corporate assets.

    Once the RSI Portal goes live, we will have another very powerful recruiting tool for the corporation to use. We will use that to drive people over here and apply.

    This is not a sprint. Not a rush across the American plains to lay claim to your 40 acres. No. This is a marathon. It's going to be long and there will be drama. Once we accept those things we can begin to move forward.

    "Even if you are walking, you are still ahead of the person sitting on the couch." I don't like to sit on the couch and watch. I want to do. And this is all we are capable of doing. So my officers and I are doing it.
  6. Not only that Sent but this will also allow us to get our corporation name locked in as well correct? Not that there should ever be any other Dragon Wolves :)
  7. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    That's correct Faith.
  8. Since you want to add a corporation thread, it might be useful if we all changed our monikers on the forums to have our CDL tag. Then we can keep track of each other until they FINALLY decide to add Friends' List-functionality...

    We may also want to consider reaching out to Black Widow Company for support in our alliance with IR.
    Last edited: 26 Nov 2013
  9. I would suggest DWI as a tag since we have been rebranded as the Dragon Wolves.

    And as far as BWC goes, I will approach them when the time is right. Right now I don't want to muddle my recruitment process if we get on good terms with them and we implement any don't touch my recruit rules. And anyways I expect they will be easy to approach.
    Last edited: 26 Nov 2013

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