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ORION: Prelude - Kickstarter Campaign

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 9 Feb 2011.

  1. Kickstarter is a website that helps small teams procure the funds they need to make an awesome project a reality. ORION: Prelude is the first in a series of long development milestones towards making a commercial game for the PC and consoles. They started in 1997 as a mod some people may remember as "Incoming: HL", going from strength to strength ever since.

    ORION is doing this because they are an independent team without the support of a big-name developer/publisher; one that would probably take the franchise and 90% of the profits, whilst leaving peanuts for the team who actually made it. They are asking for money to complete the current milestone and have achieved their total, but the more they have, the better content they can make with it. A video is available on GameTrailers, whereas you can pledge various amounts of money for different levels of incentives here...

    I may be finally getting a job soon so will be going for the highest pledge, hopefully, in a couple of months when I have the salary, but I suggest you guys should at least donate at least $50 each to the project to establsh a CDL presence.
  2. Just for figures how many people have decided to contribute; I don't work for them (yet), I'm just curious?
  3. Would if I could Hync, money is near always tight. Economy sucks here.
  4. After speaking to Praz about this - because I simply can't afford $1,000 all in one go - he says that their default investment options will be restored after the pledge campaign has passed:


    You will note that this stuff is basically the same as on the Kickstarter page, so I suppose it will enable those here who have the money and consitution to invest over time the ability to get more incentives the more they donate.

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