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Orion Source

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 7 Dec 2009.

  1. When you've worked in the mod community for a long time you hear about great projects. Sometimes these crash and burn, and sometimes they vanish only to come back better than they've ever been.

    Orion is one such project. If you haven't heard of it you've been truly missing out. Maybe you've even been around for years like me and have heard of it's original title: Incoming HL. Alas, this is a mod that has endured, been torn down and rebuilt to the point of no return, resembling something that Tribes fans will really appreciate but will also be surprised by...

    Now, Fileplanet is participating in the launch of its initial release as a Closed Beta. Before playing the beta I recommend everybody read it's compelling story, but I invite everyone in the clan to join me in the field!
  2. Rubick

    Rubick DragonWolf

    just came to post about this... anyone tried it?

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