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Path of Exile

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Daleon, 31 Jan 2013.

  1. Watched some streams today, looks pretty good. If you liked D3 worth a try. Free, uses mirco-transactions for cosmetic stuff and stash size otherwise no game play adv.

  2. Gotten a few levels with a few characters and loving this game. Still beta and has some kinks but looking really good. Don't think they are going to do anymore character wipes.

    Cross between D3 and Skyrim. Skill chart is insane.
  3. Oakfist

    Oakfist DragonWolf

    Thanks for the headsup.

    I thought D3 was going to be epic considering the amount of time spent.

    It was a huge letdown though, considering everything was cookie cutter basic. Nothing new or groundbreaking.
  4. My roommate has been playing it, so now that I see this many recommendations, I'm downloading it now.
  5. Oakfist

    Oakfist DragonWolf

    I got it downloaded, installed and played to about lev 6 last night.

    I like it and I am having more fun in 2 hrs than I did about 15hrs of playing D3.

    The path/skill system is VERY detailed and has alot of choices. I like that alot, thats what will make this game interesting.
  6. Yea, it's pretty neat...I think I'm still hooked on Torchlight 2 and with that one some one has just released a full mod adding an additional class and all kinds of goodies(with tons more to come).

    Synergies Mod
  7. Oakfist

    Oakfist DragonWolf

    Dangit Nikilla, I downloaded the trial of Torchlight 2, and I gotta admit I am having more fun with that than POE. Nothing wrong with POE persay, just T2 is more polished being a finished product. I look forward to POE going gold.

    Guess I will be buying T2...I finished the trial area (act 1) in a few hours...Was hooked.
  8. Heh, yeah I loved T1. Got T2 but something about it I didn't like as much as the first one. Might try out the mod.
  9. the only problem i had w/ tl2 is the actual last couple of levels, i've beaten it twice now and just found that the last 2 areas are about identical and i wasn't even a fan of them when if first found them.

    Otherwise I have a level 76 berzerker that I"m running through the map selector, a lvl 69 engineer that I"m going through New Game +, I've killed 2 hardcore characters(one I really like too :( ), then i have one of each other class, plus a newer berzerker(even w/o PoE's massive skill tree, and I do like the system that game has for skills and gems; there's still plenty of different ways to do tl2's skills.)
  10. Yeah the spell gems are pretty cool. Just getting into ACT and you start getting gear with link gem slots and gems that buff spell gems. As close of a system as the FF7 materia that I have see so far, but still no where near as cool.

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