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Planetary Annihilation

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by nilkilla, 10 Jul 2013.

  1. Hello,

    Has anyone seen this?

    Planetary Annihlation

    I can't get over the $90 buy in, but the level of detail and insane RTS units that can do about anything, intergalactically, it still makes me think about it.

    In the 2nd demo video on Steam, one side is losing. They send up a rocket up to a moonlet. The rocket deploys workers, who build thrusters onto the rock. The player then orders the moonlet to hit the planet as a kinetic bomb, which cracks the crust of the planet, destroying everything. This is only one planet, while there are battles going on, on dozens(more?) of other planets.
  2. GraniteRok

    GraniteRok Executive Officer Officer

    Ya, looks cool but not at $90. I'll wait for release methinks and then possibly cheaper.

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