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Prey - Turn your world upside down - literally

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Swift As Feather, 24 Jun 2006.

  1. Cool Demo, plus free multiplayer demo. cool concept.
    you might just get a little dizzy playing it. I did.

  2. yeah this game is really sweet
  3. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf


    OMG they have got another winner on their hands.
  4. I should hope so, especially if it's been in the making for FIFTEEN YEARS !!
  5. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

  6. perdy cool game/story :D
  7. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf


    Wow... we have come so very far.
  8. Downloaded and played the Demo to the end last evening. Not bad at all. Switching gravity is a nice twist to solving the map puzzles.

    Not that I cannot deal with it, but I see no particular reason for all the F word usage other than appealing to teenagers.
  9. Hehe, yeah there was a bit of a gracious amount of swearing. But, you gotta ask yourself if that's to satisfy fans, or simply the character's price of living on that Reservation for so long :)
  10. The amount of profanity is in part based upon the will of the developers. They want an "M" rated game for the sake of an "M" rated game.

  11. well y'know, for me, the game is definitely on my wishlist. Now all I gotta figure out is if I want it for my Xbox360, or my PC...
  12. Got it today for 360, along with a 360 lol. This along with Chromehounds tommorow are the first decent excuses to get a 360 I've seen so far. I figured might as well bite the bullet now so I don't have to get it in the fall when Gears comes out and a Wee around the same time as I will for sure get the WEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  13. GR3 is ok, too :rolleyes:

    oh yeah, and Nintendo's number are spelled with I's. I'm more interested in getting a PS3 as my other next-gen, personally :)
  14. Reviews for Prey now available

    So what's the verdict: next-gen shooter for current-gen machines, or interstellar flop? IGN scored it 9.0 but I think the review speaks for itself.

    You can get the versions of the review from the following links (I suggest you use Getright for any of them). I've only selected Windows Media-versions because they are smaller to download:

    320x240 -- Standard users (30.6MB)
    640x480 -- IGN Subscribers (97.7MB)
    1280x720 HD -- IGN Subscribers (181.4MB)

    As fate would unsurprisingly have it, Gamespot tells a different story... but then again, far be it for Gamespot and IGN to ever agree on anything :)

    You can find their review here.
  16. The name of the console is Wii, not Wee
  17. Wee is a more phonetic way of typing it!

    Oh, and to stay on topic, I've "Aquired" a full version of Prey, and it's a blast!
  18. yeah, me too, but I actually bought it ;)

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