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Put it to an end

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Sphynnx, 2 Feb 2004.

  1. Ok, I've taken it for like two months now, and that's enough. I don't like to be the lil' baby who tells on everyone, but, this was it, last night. I applied for Black Hawks a few days ago, and got accepted, today. I was under "evaluation" at a battle on Amerish for them to see how I do. I was minding my own business, doing assigned objectives, and Cieux and XxMerlinxX start TKing me, whenever they see me.

    LunarWarrior (he really doesn't have a part in this, he's ok, he didn't do anything) claims that he heard that I TK'd xXMerlinXx a lot of times under the name "SporkfirePS" the other day. I had that name for about one hour on one session of PS playing as an infil. I didn't want to get in trouble, so I deleted it when I was done. I don't know who the hell TK'd him, but it really wasn't me -I had no reason to TK merlin.

    It was kind of important that I do the stuff I was asked to do last night. 40% of you TK me every time you see me. Emerald or Markov. I don't know WHY, but you do, and I'm tired of it. Just stop it, it does nothing but give you grief, I have no idea what the hell I did to you guys, but it's time to cut it out.

    This is Doop, requesting to lay off.
    Last edited: 2 Feb 2004
  2. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer


    This matter will be looked into by myself and other officers of the CDL. It is not our policy to carry out vendettas or have a "hunt the wumpus" night. It does seem that certain members feel they need to do this. Those people will be found out and punished.

    We are sorry that your experience playing Planetside has been less enjoyable over the past few days. I would like to apologise to you personally and assure you that this matter will be taken care of immediately. If you have a problem with other Dragonwolves, please float me a PM in IRC.

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