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Quake Wars

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Daleon, 14 Jan 2006.

  1. Whoa, those shots are amazing. I am so stoked for this game.
  2. You can see that IGN didn't that all-important question answered:
    "Yeah, but is it pitch black like the Doom 3 engine is known for?"
    Granted, there are daylight shots in the game, but there were things like that in Quake 4 and it could be argued that they were just-barely lit, what with most of them based at a "sunset" TOD. There is also the thing about the size of the levels, as they said the engine isn't known for its huge environments...

    Now obviously the architecture probably won't be the size of PlanetSide levels, but are they more Doom3 size - tiny rooms of death - or are they closer to BF2; to avoid tripping over any teatime corpses that players have mostly become in MMOs these days?

    I'm not trying to belittle anyone's enjoyment, but ETQW will supposed to be a fully online game and that means that if trying to fight the enemy is going to be so complicated environment-wise, it won't be any fun to players.
  3. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    In PCGamer it says the game takes place on an almost entirely outdoor battleground. So much work has been done upgrading the Doom 3 engine for this game that it's almost an entirely new graphics engine. Outdoor graphics rival or surpass those of Half Life 2.

    This game excites me..... but there would be no way around playing this without a major computer upgrade for me :(
  4. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Damn looks nice.
  5. Obviously vehicles are a big addition to game play so I seriously doubt small rooms are going to be the norm for fields of battle. These guys made RTCW:ET a very solid multi-player experience and I'm sure there taking quite a few queues from BF series. Obviously game play no one will really know until you play it. I'm mostly excited about the advances its bringing like destructible vehicle weapons and some good old skool TF class combat. This one could defintely make me upgrade if its as good as it looks.

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    clean up in aisle my pants please...those shots are hot.
  7. Just look at the screenshots, that should answer all of those questions.
  8. They said the maps are going to be smaller than those you find in the battlefield series. But the flag cature system is a node style system, where you have to capture one point in order to capture another point, you don't have the stupid single person capturing all your bases from behind you. I really like the idea of shooting out vehicle tires, parts, guns, and whatnots to dampen it's combat abilities. Hope it comes out this year like they said it will.
  9. Graphics wise the game looks killer but if it's not clan friendly - I'm not interested.

    -Clan friendly meaning being able to get your squad in game all at the same time (or within a considerable amount of time.)
    -Clan friendly meaning being able to find your buddies in servers easily without the "What server you in?" Can you repeat that server address again?"
    -Clan friendly meaning being that your squad doesn't get broken up because of team balance.
    -Clan friendly meaning of course all of the perks that come with being in a clan: name tags, outfit logos...etc.

    Is it just me or are players nowadays really pulled in to flash and personal stats rather than victory through teamwork with buddies you've played online with for years?

    I am not knocking this game one bit and shouldn't be using this thread as a personal diatribe because of my personal issues with developers of online games nowadays - so my apologies if that's the case.

    The reason I went off a little bit was because I went to the website last night to check this out because someone made mention of it over on the PSU forums. All they have there is a trailer and a brief storyline about the game. Sure the trailer was made up of all "in-game footage" and was pretty as all hell...but no one is telling me how the game is going to be set-up. So right there I lump this game with other twitch games. Now don't get me wrong..I like my twitch but twitch gets old where team concepts last years for me.

    If you remember I was pretty stoked about BF2, until after purchasing I was more than a little dissapointed that they did not improve or even come close to leaving off where others have come with clan based games. Make it a monthly fee for the priviledge - I'll pay it!

    My apologies for possible derailment of what looks like a killer FPS.

    Researching the game a little more I've come to find that the word "clan" is not even uttered in any review, just "the heir to Wolfenstein" - so it does not look to be clan friendly, whereas BF2 made mention on more than one occasion prior to release that it would be clan based. So I may have answered my own question.
    Last edited: 23 Jan 2006
  10. The people that are making ET:QW made ET: Return to Castle Wolfenstein. So while gameplay between the two will mostlikely be similar, I can't really say if it's going to be the "heir" to it. o_O

    By the way, ET:RTCW was a really fun and addicting game, free and stand alone, but for some reason not a lot of people got into it. Maybe the dead horse that is WWII has been beaten one time too many?

    I say go download ET:RTCW and play with it for a bit, and you'll probably get a feeling as to how this game will play.

  11. Coolio. Thanks for the recommendation. I may just do that. :thumbsup:

    Hell, if we have a considerable amount of Dragon Wolves playing a game...I'm in no matter the game.
  12. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Well I do see Orange and Cyrus in TS trying out the new "it" game for 2006. Not sure why they don't just make their own channel for it in TS, but still; might be worth picking up and seeing if its worthwhile getting more CDL involved BD. :D
  13. I am curiously shaken by this turn of events...:doh:
  14. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    We did kinda have an unofficial division for like a day in RTCW..... then we went into our first ladder match and got creamed... I still think some HEAVY cheating was going on there. The enemy could kill us at will from on the other side of the map. So that turn of events might have played a factor with ET:RTCW. Regardless, I enjoyed it quite a bit.... so much in fact I am going to reinstall :)
  15. Which download is it Donkey? The windows version?
  16. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    yeah.... gonna take me awhile to download, my internet is running slow as balls :( 2kb/sec!11!

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