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Discussion in 'The Dragon Wolves Recruitment Forum' started by Shrike, 31 Jan 2005.

  1. Yet another recruit from WolfLAN... known Cyber, Firez, Firestorm, Jouster for years, having spent many a weekend gaming with them. Started a 49 Pally on another server, then started what is now a lvl 19 Troll Rogue (Zoodoo) in order to join them here with the Dragonwolves.

    Looking forward to having good clan groupmates, hope to see you all in game.

  2. Oh... Shrike... I don't think you'll be able to keep that name though...

    We Already have a Schrike who's been with us for many MANY years, and it would lead to much confusion....
  3. I vote that we put it to a sexyness test.. though our schrike is pretty damn sexy.
  4. we know him as many things.....(some probably we shouldn't write down). but alias elec, electron, and SchrikeMS. Think he will be a right good addition.

    we could, however change our schrike to his TS name :p

    hey...where can I start a 49 pally?
    Last edited: 1 Feb 2005
  5. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

  6. Jouster

    Jouster DragonWolf

    Hmm...maybe the (or one of?) true reason he's 12 hours late for lans just slipped out?
  7. Definently confusing. Especially as Schrike is my hubby. :eek:

    I must say, however, that on the sexiness scale my Schrike rates high. ;)
  8. BIAST!!!

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