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SC2 - Three Way Split

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Aeternus, 13 Oct 2008.

Feelings and purchasing effects of the SC2 split decision

  1. Great Idea! I've always wanted to pay more for my video games!

    0 vote(s)
  2. Eh...No biggie...will buy them all anyway

    2 vote(s)
  3. 'prolly buy the first...maybe one of the others

    4 vote(s)
  4. Will get the first, but not others

    0 vote(s)
  5. No Soup for You!

    2 vote(s)
  6. Boycott! Was going to buy the game...but now I won't buy any.

    1 vote(s)
  7. Meh...Wasn't interested to begin with.

    2 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. What's everyone think about Blizzards decision to split the game into 3 releases? Seems to me that its simple greediness...WoW must not be pulling in the kind of cash they need :rolleyes:

    But really...at its face it seems to be a fairly lame deal, even with they reasons they put out there for doing so - more cinematics & better SP campaigns. I don't intend to spend $150 or even $130 (50 for first, 40 for next 2) for what was 1 game.

    edit: I've put up a poll...just in case someone wants to vote for something in preparation for Nov. Its my first poll...so be gentle, but honest ;)
    Last edited: 13 Oct 2008
  2. Rane

    Rane DragonWolf

    I say forget WOW, play a real game like Warhammer :)

    I just realized this is not a WOW post! Doh!
  3. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I am probably the only gamer in the entire world/universe that has never ever played Starcraft and am not interested in Starcraft 2 either. So I voted that I wasn't interested.
  4. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    There are at least 2 of us :lol:

    Never have either.
  5. Oakfist

    Oakfist DragonWolf

    Make that 3...Never played Starcraft either.
  6. I might buy the first one and acquire the next two. That is kind of a ridiculous way to sell a game.
  7. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    It depends on how its done.. Now it seems they'll be a year or more between expansions..

    If it truly is the equivalent of 3 long separate campaigns that tie together in one big story why not? I mean the multiplayer will be the same throughout (one would suppose that would be a reason to knock some of the price off successors), so it would depend on how much they're giving you in terms of a single player story.

    People scoff at the concept of paying $15/month for MMORPG subscriptions; then gladly go and shell out $12 for a 2 hour movie that was crap because their friends wanted to see it and the best parts were in the previews..

    If I get whatever entertainment value I need out of it, fine; and I don't mind paying if the game deserves the reward. I figure I'll know that after buying the first one.
  8. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    I'll probably get one of them just to have the multi-player component. However, now I am hearing Battle.net is going to have some sort of pay component. If that is the case and there is a plausible need to pay for battle.net to enjoy the game to it's fullest, then I might scrap the whole thing.

    That said, my interest in Diablo 3 is much stronger and I will probably pay whatever in order to play.
  9. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    Never played the first one
  10. I spent to many hardcore hours with friends in SC. Its pretty much engrained into my soul at this point. Even though most of that play time was when I lived with 3-4 roomates and we played it day and night for years. You never get the same feeling playing over the Net, even with voice, of trashing your best friends sitting right next to you.

    I'm not happy with the split, mainly because I wanted to get the full mutiplayer content right away. I know Blizzard will put out complete games and each game will have plenty of content to be worth whats paid for it. But its still stringing out the multiplayer game for a year or more possibly. Since it sounds like you won't get all of the unit options in multiplayer until you've bought all 3 games to unlock them...
  11. I think what Daleon was saying is a big sticking point with me. If it were simply about the campaigns, that might be one thing, but if things are going to be as they say - where you need all three to have access to all the units for each faction...well...that sours it for me. Well...that and the idea that I should pay for bnet is ridiculous to me.

    On the otherhand...i've always rather enjoyed Blizzard cinematics and i found the ones in the original SC to be a valuable addition, so having more and better movies in the game is a plus. Single player campaigns I could usually almost do without...but with Starcraft I do actually care about the story, so this is one is a draw for me...but I don't think it will be $150 worth of draw.

    Time will reveal more info I suppose, and like Asp mentioned, exposure to the first release will hopefully give me a better idea of what to expect from the others.
  12. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    Didn't they say you will get full multi-player capabilities even if you only buy one? Think the separation only applies to single player.
  13. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    You'll get full multiplayer, there's absolutely no way they wouldn't let you play the other races on first release.. What you most likely will get with subsequent releases is new campaign, new multiplayer maps, and a few new units (i.e. Brood war)..

    Battle.net isn't going subscription, they're considering features that you opt into for a fee.. What those are yet no one knows, or even that it will come to pass..
  14. I'm glad the studio decided to keep the story layout from SC, I was worried it would change. Personally; although there are many on the internet who have a problem with the way Blizzard are taking the franchise, I think it's a good idea.

    There wasn't a sequel for C&C's tiberium universe for almost 8 years... besides its expansion, the original Starcraft hasn't had one that's actually made it to store shelves for over a decade. The franchise has been in a serious bind since the cancellation of Starcraft: Ghost, with the studio seemingly unble to capitalise on WoW's success and making a worthy continuation.

    I wish them all the best.
    Last edited: 15 Oct 2008
  15. If you played warcraft 2, you've played starcraft. The games are very similar. I'm wasn't that pumped about the first game after playing it. I really don't understand it's cult status.
  16. The story and movies really helped bring SC to life. Instead of seeing dozens of little soldiers you saw the marines that were in the videos. You got to know the units more, their capabilities, and how best to use them together. To this day I can name off all the units in SC. I can't name hardly any from all the other RTS's I've played and I was a very serious RTS player for many years. C&C does a good job with their movies, but its really an completely different direction. You only really get a good feel for the special units like Tonya.

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