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SimCity Social

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 14 Jul 2012.

  1. Another Facebook title; again, you don't have to pay for gems, but it's a lot easier if you do. I wouldn't recommend getting free Gems thru the FB page, however, but rather the game's "add more" area, as there's been some reports of scamming.

    Basically the more friends you have playing the game, the easier it is to help each other level up, giving you greater access to resources for your city to grow. There are also missions you can complete ingame to gain more credits, materials and, sometimes, certain items to upgrade buildings.

    SimCity Social Game Page
    SimCity Social on Facebook

    How and where to get items

    The Facebook page also has a number of freebies released every few days, adding items you can place to increase you population, or credits and energy to do stuff in the world.
    Last edited: 14 Jul 2012
  2. What happens after you've played for a while:


    There are about 30 Facebook friends currently in my city; a number of you from the CDL know this already as you are identified as being "residents".
  3. Last edited: 21 Jul 2012

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