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Skilled Landings? I think so.

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by The Peacemaker, 3 Nov 2005.

  1. Yo, whats up guys? I just started playing BF2 again and was wonder where you guys game. Having sentrosi (or was it mani?) pop me out of a moving chopper still needs to get avenged. Whats everyone been up to? Ive been playing eve and Navyfield nonstop latly but decided to play Wake island. First thing I did was bomb a position in an F35 and got like 5 - 6 kills. Now im hooked again :) What was really odd was when I did I got 4 promotions :)

    P.S. Anyone who gets what the title from gets 2 cookies w/ cream.
  2. Silly Peace. What happened to EVE?

    (I don't play BF2 anymore because patching that sucker is a bitch and a half.)
  3. Nothing happened to EVE. The PSDU corp closed up for now and we are now in an Alliance called Ascendant Frontier. We just got done with a war of North Vs South which we sorta won (no clear cut line of win, we just killed more of them) and built 3 stations in 0.0. Everyone is still on, just not as frequently as now b/c of school and work and such not. Otherwise its normal. Little PVP, little PVE, and a tad of mining.

    P.S. What is the CDL BF2 Server IP?
    Last edited: 6 Nov 2005

    Always kills me when some plane comes swooping down to do a strafing fun on ground troops. I'm like "wtf you ain't no A10 get your unrealistic ass up there".

    On the flip side it's a lot of fun swooping down on little ground troopers who are seemingly defenseless.
    Last edited: 6 Nov 2005
  5. A plane doesnt need to be an A10 to strafe something.
  6. How often do you see an F22 Raptor with a 200 million dollar price tag do strafing runs on ground troops? It's just not realistic. If a 200 million dollar plane can do strafing runs on ground troops then ground troops should be able to carry stingers. In the desert combat mod for Battlefield every anti armor guy also doubles as an anti air person and it brought a lot of balance to the game.

    Lets face it sometimes you just join a team that sucks. The other team will have all the good flags with airplanes, helicopters, apc and tanks. All your team will have is a transport that gets blown up as soon as it spawns. I don't mind being on the losing team I just want a fighting chance. If a helicopter can hover around and shoot at me while a plane does strafing runs and I can't use a stinger to take them down.. I have no chance.
  7. Nevermind
    Last edited: 7 Nov 2005
  8. AA in the game is already VERY good at what it does. As long as you know how to use it. If Infantry got AA too everyone and their mother would be shooting the things off. The missles in the game are very hard to dodge if theres more than 5.


    ORANGE DragonWolf

    ouro hides and so does lunar.
  10. Jouster

    Jouster DragonWolf

    Hey Peace! You want me to gun for your chopper! BADLY! :D
  11. Lunar

    Lunar Development Officer Officer

  12. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

    I think peace remembers this moment from me "OMG PEACE YOU ALMOST TORCHED MY A$$ AHHH!H!H!H!HHHH!H!HHHHHH!H!"
  13. LOL. No one has yet to tell me about "Skilled landings". And Jouster, you know me too well.... Ill have to take you up on that offer. Lunar, PLAY EVE. PVP = WIN.

    Orange - I lub joo! You used to be my main "squeeze"

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