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SOE says they learned From Planetside and are trying again.

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by ShadowSpawn, 27 Apr 2005.

  1. New Sony Action MMOG [April 27, 2005, 10:46 am EDT] - Post a Comment
    Sony planning new action-based persistent world on CNN Money reports on far-reaching plans at Sony Online Entertainment to launch a new massively multiplayer online game in the action genre, with hopes of duplicating the roaring success of RPG MMOs like EverQuest, rather than the moderate reaction to PlanetSide, their MMO FPS game. Some of the article is speculative, as the game won't be announced until next year sometime, and will debut at E3 2006, but there are quotes from SOE president John Smedley that basically confirm these plans:

    While the company won't make any formal announcements about its next massively multiplayer game for quite some time, president John Smedley told me recently that a new action title is in the works. And if things go according to plan, it will make its debut at E3 in 2006.

    It won't be SOE's first foray into an action-based persistent world. "PlanetSide," a massively multiplayer online first person shooter launched in May 2003, has been moderately successful, but hasn't come close to the success of "EverQuest". So what's different this time?

    "We know what we're doing now and we're going to take it to the next level," said Smedley, who declined to give any firm details on the game at this point.
  2. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Very Cool :thumbsup:

    John Smedly is the man hehe, I kicked his ass in PS back during the preview and we talked for a bit.
  3. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

  4. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Smart move money wise.. not sure if it was a smart move community wise though.

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    There were already rumors of them starting to remove funding from PlanetSide over the next year because it was not longer "profitable enough" and I do believe that this may confirm it......*cry*
  6. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    I hope this game isn't going to be a war-related game ala world war 2 and such. I have nothing against those games, there just have been so many it is played out.

    Do I hear a www.unamedsoemmofps-universe.com Hamma? ;p
  7. They should do a pirates on the high seas :) whoot! yeah for admiral hats !!!
  8. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer


    Maybe if they fly me out to E3 next year for a preview.
  9. They probably would, as far as I know there aren't any Fox execs working for SOE. They can recognize when something (or in this case, someone) is of value to them, and you've proven yourself a reliable and responsible fansite admin as far as I can tell. (wow i feel like a suckup now)

    On a sidenote: w00t, I'm glad someone still has the balls not to make another cookie-cutter fantasy MMORPG these days (oh how I long for a Starcraft MMOFPS.)
    Last edited: 27 Apr 2005
  10. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    I don't know, I have never really liked SOE, and with their current record of games I wouldn't get my hopes up.

    Blizzard can't even make a bloody single player fps in a timely fashion, and through WoW (and Warcraft III) they have shown that they have the crappiest customer support/development team ever.

    I think that the idea of an MMOFPS needs to evolve much more before a decent one comes out.
  11. I think BF2 will be the first step towards a real MMOFPS comming out. Its got everything a MMOFPS needs except the massive part.
  12. So, a MMOFPS, except without the massively multiplayer part. Wouldn't that just be a FPS?
  13. ORANGE

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    There is a game thats comming out for the Xbox 360 (the next gen xbox for those of you that don't know) that is an mmofps using the unreal engine and from the interview with one of the devs I read it really is a fps meaning its all about blowing the crap outta someone else and not about leveling. I believe its called Huxley if your feeling like googling.

  14. which reminds me, if you do, you have to look at my app for a forum mod again (if you diddnt lose my psu one lol) :p
  15. Don't take my damn idea!!
  16. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    While I don't know the exact details of BF2, I don't fully agree with you. The problem with the MMOFPS is that it greatly lacks a sense of accomplishment in winning a battle. Without some permanent change happening in the game world due to your side's victory or defeat an MMOFPS is nothing more than a "normal" FPS on one large pub server. This is why PlanetSide wasn't so successful, if you have read any reviews of the game (as I am sure you have heard this said by players as well), they all comment on the fact that you could be fighting on one continent for hours and even if your side finally takes it, when you long on the next day you see that your side is again fighting for control of the very same continent that you worked so hard to attain, and the cycle just continues.
    Last edited: 27 Apr 2005
  17. I said that blizz should make a starcraft mmofps like, 5 minutes after i heard about world of warcraft lol.
  18. People thought WoW was gonna be a starcraft mmo. This idea has been around for a long time.
  19. rofl, i think i like this Scott Hartsman guy better, apperantly hes the Senior Producer of the EverQuest II team. Check this out.


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