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Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Incompetent, 26 May 2005.

  1. http://spore.ea.com/

    Watch the Will Wright one, you have to register but it's worth it.

    It looks like it could be fucking awesome if he manages to pull it off. The sort of game I could still be playing months or years later, rather then alot of the shit that comes out today where I can beat it in a weekend and never look at it again. You take your creature from a single cell organism all the way to interstellar travel, coloniziation and of course, war (war might not be the best word, but you do get to mix it up with other civiliations.)

    Shamelessly stolen from the BGC.
    Last edited: 26 May 2005

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    anyone that has leafed through the book website that suck know what I'm saying when I say omg get rid of the mystery meat.
  3. This game doesnt look good at all......
  4. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

  5. IGN gave it game of E3 so it could be really good.
  6. I thought it looked farily neat, till I saw that EA logo in the bottom corner.
  7. what about the ea logo on Battlefield 2??
  8. dont plan on playing that either, not just cause of ea, but I really dont play fps

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