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Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Daleon, 14 May 2006.

  1. I never got into The Sims, but I am totally ready for this one:


    The E3 coverage on G4 of this game blew me away. Design your own monster from a single cell organism gerneration by generation all the way to planetary conquest and then galactic conquest.
  2. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    Yeah looks cool
  3. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    This will have me owned.
  4. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

  5. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    Last edited: 16 May 2006
  6. yeah..great ideas...can't wait
  7. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    From taking astronomy in school this quarter I am excited for the space part of the game.... Will wright seems to really know his astronomy. The terraforming sounds sweet :D Love the space graphics as well.

    *edit - I will go as far to say that the only other games that could rival my anticipation for this game were maybe tribes/T2 and WoW :eek:
    Last edited: 17 May 2006
  8. WarWolf

    WarWolf DragonWolf DragonWolf

    I'm looking at this as well. Looks like a good time so far.
  9. he says in this vid that u can tell the game to look for friends' content specifically and import their stuff into your game...

    Spore CDL buddylist?

    edit: Robin Williams is into FPS! How cool would that be to run into him on a voice chat?
    Last edited: 20 May 2006
  10. Ha, that was sweet.

    I can't wait to build a race of Dragonwolves and rule the universe!
  11. can you make flying creatures? i don't recall that from any of the vids i've seen
  12. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    They have to save something for the hundreds of expansions that always accompany a will wright game. :D

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