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Star Trek MMO

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Ingwë, 18 Mar 2005.

  1. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

  2. You're best to look for info on StarTrek.com, they released the news that they were going to make one way back in July last year...
  3. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Yea it looks interesting I was reading about it. Lets hope its not a complete failure like 98% of all ST games :( Looks interesting so far
  4. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Great. ANOTHER MMO that has my name in it....sheesh.

    I really need to copyright my name and get serious mad $$ for it. Probably support my 'gaming habit' that way.
  5. I'm not a huge trekkie, but I'm definitely interested in this game. Like Hamma said, I just hope it's not a flop.

    There's something about space flight games that interest me.
  6. The problem with Star Trek games is that just slapping the Star Trek logo on something and putting in a few voice overs with Patrick Stewart will sell thousands of copies automatically. The Trekkies/Trekkers out there have never demanded quality Star Trek video games.

    (I own a ton of crappy star trek games...bleh!!!)
  7. Perpetual are 'working' with the Star Trek fans, (they have been lurking on forums, getting ideas, hints, & suggestions) and also have been working well with Paramount.
    Some of the old Legend Entertainment guys are there (Perpetual) as well. I (intentionally) dropped out of the information loop on this last fall, and I don't know where they are in development. Personally, I think that their launch date was a smidge too aggressive considering the amount of features they had intended, but I readily admit that I do not know the extend of Joe's team at Perpetual.

  8. One less MMOG to look out for...

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