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star wars battlefront

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by NightJackal, 22 Sep 2004.

  1. well as much as ive heard and seen this game is a bf 1942 or vietnam with all the cool vehicles and models of star wars heard very good things about it so far
  2. I'm not in the mood to purchase yet another BF-clone, but I am waiting for Republic Commando, since that will be for the PC as well as Xbox.
  3. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    How is it a BF Clone when it takes place in a completly different era, and reality for that matter :lol:

    A BF clone would be another WWII game.
  4. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I got it. Right now I give it about a 7 out of 10.

    Realistic battles (if you can call a fictional story taking place a long, long time ago realistic) and aircraft. Takes a bit to get used to, but all in all not bad.

    Most redeeming quality of the game? I get to squash Ewoks and shoot Jawas. I've always wanted to do that.
  5. Because it's giving players the chance to take part in a piece of history... the only difference is that it is in Star Wars history, and not WWII.
  6. It is a great game. I was watching my boss play it. I want to play it. I'm going to buy it.
  7. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    love killing ewoks :)
  8. Its one big deathmatch, i personnaly dont like it.
  9. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Isn't that the point, to put you in the game as a soldier? ie: kill people
  10. I like FPS's with story personally. Like where yuo have a mission not just run and shoot things that is waht multiplayer is for the single player you should have real things to do.
  11. Umm there is a story.
    It's called Single Player mode but NOT Instant Action. I'm playing 2 different story lines at the moment so yes that element does exist.
  12. Overall I defintely like it. Single player campaign not that bad.
  13. the guys at penny arcade say the AI is as dumb as paint.. Is that true?
  14. Dumb... maybe. Playing on medium difficultly the missions eventually get pretty hard. The AI does do this run tuck and roll manuever alot thats annoying. But overall easy to pick off at range.
  15. You want the story? There's 5 movies out there so far, and another on the way, not to mention all the books. :D :p
  16. at the harder levels the Ai isn't really any smarter, its just that your friendly AI is dumber, I was playing one of the last levels on the rebels vs empire single player game, we held like 4 control points most of the game and I had about 80 kills, yet we still lost, cause my troops would just run blindly into the enemy control points and get slaughtered

  17. Lol

  18. Ok, so I bought the game. Now it says my CD-key isnt valid for online play. WTF!?
  19. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Owned by some kid who generated a key :(
  20. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder


    I can give ya my key....i wont be playin the game online

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