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starcraft anyone

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Doograx, 26 Jul 2005.

  1. so a couple of us were thinking about playing a couple rounds of starcraft sometime in the near future.. anyone else interested? could be a good flashback :D
  2. haha i still play from time to time

    here in korea that game is like the coolest thing since the housewife!!!
    (i have to add i mean nothing by it, heard it on tv and made me smile)

    But sure what server you on i normally play east but i have west also. just let me know the name and date.

  3. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    I'd be up for it, though I haven't played for such a long time...so don't expect much. If my account still exists, I play on U.S. East.

    Speaking of starcraft there is an interesting mod for Warcraft III being made to re-create starcraft: http://revolution.wc3campaigns.com/

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