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Starsiege: 2845 Alpha Tech Release - FF Exclusive

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Aeternus, 23 Oct 2006.

  1. May not be fully stable/playable, but you can DL the alpha here
  2. And oh yeah, it's only 622MB :D
  3. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    D/ling now.
  4. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    tell me if it is worth the download, I can't remember the last time I had my hands on an FPS.
  5. Is it standalone?
  6. dling now
  7. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Ok, here's the skinny.

    It's an Alpha Tech release. I tried to play it multiplayer, but no servers were available. So I decided to try it out anyway and host my own game and screw around a bit.

    Initial feeling: I like the direction of this game. Models are very detailed. The ATR only has one setting for armor and such. There are NO jetpacks, though there is a key to let you superjump. NO SKIING either. I don't think either feature will be in release, which is a good thing IMO. They made the maps very vast and it really makes you feel like you're not crowded.

    You have to run it in OpenGL mode. D3D will let you run it, but there is a lack of detail on the objects you select from. This is a known bug and will probably be fixed at a later date.

    I made an in-game recording of all the vehicles featured in the release, but have no way of watching it. There is a screenshots folder, but I have no way of taking a screenshot. Probably something else they're working on.
  8. If you tell me what format the video is, I may be able to find a program for you to run/convert it...
  9. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I'll just FRAPS it at some point tonight and upload it. Much easier. Perhaps get some in-game shots as well. Had a chance to play, but there is a lot of crashes right now in-game.
  10. I (obviously) don't know anything about the game, and I'm too tired at the moment to research it. But if they are using an existing engine; try using the the defaut key used for screenies.
    (example = UNREAL technology - use the F9 button, etc...)


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