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State of the EVE union address..

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Asp, 12 Jul 2006.

  1. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Sorry for posting this here, every other eve post was.. I guess i coulda put it in general discussion, either way.

    For all those playing EVE currently, this is for you.

    As you may or may not know a RL friend of mine was playing along in the corporation with us. He may have flown under the radar to CDL playing, but he made quite a few contacts with others in the game. Along with myself, he was invited to join another corporation. Normally I wouldn't be bothered with joining a big group of people I don't know, but this was a bit different.

    These guys are part of one of the largest alliances of corporations in EVE. They control a large chunk of space (0.0) in what amounts to the galactic southeast of the galaxy. A great opportunity to take EVE to another level (i.e. outside of simple missions, trading, or hunting in high security space).

    Mining for all the rare minerals you can't get in high security.
    Fighting AI pirates that pay off better and drop better things.
    Security (as much as can be expected) from random pirates.
    Whatever logistical support a decent sized corp can offer (which our corp/myself can't offer)
    Serious organized PvP.

    Now its a totally volutary thing, but any CDL that would like to switch over with us, as the corp (Primal Element) would be more than happy to have extra players. There's a coprorate tax (7%), but other than that, no strings attached to joining.

    Now for the downside.

    I wouldn't say this is the kind of thing the newest players (if they're still playing) would want to do at this point. Everything in 0.0 can kill you outright, quickly; if all you're in is a frigate with little accumulated skills. It's possible to survive for sure, but it'd be rough going. You'd basically be on your own (as now), but in a much more dangerous place.

    The corporation/alliance is at war with a couple of corporations (one minor, one intermediate in size), and a once dominant corporate alliance (one they forcibly removed from the area of space they currently reside in). Being at war means that players from opposing corps can attack you at will anywhere. Even in front of concord ships, and they wont intervene. It can make flying even in empire space a bit riskier (once again for the newer among us just trying to start things up), as you can be attacked now not only by pirates, but anyone at war with you as well.

    The original corp CDL-CI will remain up and running, its function is handled by an alt of mine. You're all welcome to remain in its anonimity as long as you want. Everyone involved should be a director of the corp so you can all share what the corp has.

    At whatever point you feel you want to move onto something new, or try something a little more dangerous, let me know and we can get you involved in the corps out in 0.0 space. Just send me a mail in game or post here.

    what little I've seen so far has been impressive, organized defense of territory, and fleet pvp is impressive. You'll see some ships you wont ever see in Empire space out there too :)

    Any questions let me know.
  2. If they're not on good terms with BoB, i'd be wary ;)
    cuz someday, they probably be getting torn a new hole

    i haven't been able to play with you guys, so my word means little I suppose, but seriously...BoB is THE alliance...no one seems able to stand in their way and survive...and I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of one of their invasions

    but if they're clear on the other side of the galaxy, it may not be an issue...for now

    edit: Looks like the alliance is Knights of the Southerncross [KoS], and while they're not enemies of BoB, they do have at least one NAP with an alliance that is at war/a declared enemy of BoB - ASCN. They also have ties with SMASH and Chimaera Pact
    [CHIMP], both of which have ties with past and present enemies of BoB.

    here's KOS diplomacy chart

    now I've not been in game for a couple months, so I could be out of touch, but i don't think i am totally off. anyway, just trying to provide some cautionary advice
    Last edited: 12 Jul 2006
  3. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Ya, BoB are in the galactic southwest, so we're in the south, but opposite sides of the galaxy.

    Technically, BoB would have to go through a lot of space, and possibly a few other alliances territory before reaching the area. The region is Wicked Creek, and BoB are out in Fountain and south of there.

    Although, BoB may be well organized, they're somewhat universally disliked by many; and I don't think they'd make any friends of anyone moving east. :p

  4. i played with BNC.E briefly out in 0.0 ( i had to quit due to moving and time constraints), and they at least were good guys. They definately have plenty of people disliking them - that I won't argue with, but i think its like any great power: they are hated simply because they are powerful.
    Last edited: 12 Jul 2006
  5. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Yep the alliance is KoS. I suppose you'd be hard pressed to be in an alliance of any kind with perfectly balanced relations (i.e. you're gonna piss someone off eventually, or be friends with someone who does). They're also in a coalition of alliances with Veritas Immortalis - [-V-] and Lotka Volterra - [LV]. I think the information might be a bit out of date because the "at war" lists Red Alliance, but its not reflected on that page.

    I'm not sure if your caution is for just BoB specifically, but I'd still think unless you're enemies with them or are close by you shouldn't have to worry too much atm. Things can obviously change, but I'd think KoS territory is quite a haul from where BoB is now, and they'd end up going to war with a few alliances to get over there in the first place.

    The politics and diplomacy in EVE is something I find pretty fascinating. If only more of them were any good at it, it'd be an interesting game unto itself.

    An example of their organization. At one point they picked up a small fleet (20 or so Red Alliance) battleships and cruisers violating their territory (the alliance, not the corp itself). The alarm bells go off, and a fleet of over 115 ships head out to cut them off and destroy them. :p Overwhelming to be sure, but its pretty well organized in terms of defending their own borders.

    You're right though BoB are generally disliked because they are powerful and dominant. :)
    Last edited: 12 Jul 2006
  6. I totally agree. Its one of the more interesting facets of the game to me; especially for those times like right now, when I'm not actively subing. I can read up on what alliance wars are happening and all the intrigue and debates going on.

    I was finally able to recall a site with a decent map of EVE and Wicked Creek is indeed a bit removed from BoB space; although unless things have changed recently with regards to regional claims, they also have their power base south of the Khanid and have been there for a while. Now I recall that they had somewhat more recently moved into the Fountain region on the offensive against TRUST (or maybe i'm off? its been a little bit), but also that they had seen some action against FIX abit closer to home for KOS, but still not right next door.

    I do indeed think you are correct- the politics are ever changing, and you can never be sure of tomorrow. Who knows what may happen with Kali.

    Anyway, my intention wasn't to blast your proposal... I guess I just have a predisposition towards BoB since I had been with them previously (albeit briefly). For those who do decide to join you, I wish the best of luck. I just don't know for sure what I'll do when/if I resub to EVE.

    edit: Sorry -
    ; guess I missed the "south of there" part
    Last edited: 12 Jul 2006
  7. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    heh, I didn't think you were, I was just trying to figure out where you were headed with it all..(like if it was a really bad thing to get into such an alliance or whatever) I didn't put it together that you'd been a part of BoB previously. Quite frankly, if I was near that area, that's one alliance I'd likely have considered. EXCEPT that another RL friend (sort of) is playing in Fountain. He's one of the many hapless "rebels" fighting trying to free Fountain from the iron grip of BoB :lol: It'd kinda suck having to preface every missile shot at Craig with "nothing personal, sorry mate" :p

    current territorial map
  8. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    A ton of folks from PSU are in ASCN/Axiom - in fact almost all of them :lol:
  9. Its really impressive to see this level of control over a game universe. I don't even know how you could possibly keep a good watch over your territory when its so big. You really have to focus EvE as your main game to play at their level though. I wish I could, but I'm spread so thin as it is. Man I wish I could get my job to let us telecommute!
  10. Peacemaker was actually one of the guys that was bringing me back up to speed with EVE after coming back to it after beta. even started chatting in a PSU channel they had going at the time. glad i didn't get pulled in :)

    They do have some things set up to assist with this. I believe that certain assets such as POS's, Outposts, and stations can send an automated email to the CEO and other designated officers upon being assaulted. This is of course in addition to any automated weapons platforms you have installed around your asset, granted, against a full-on siege they won't do much.

    And on a side note...they're opening up 8 new regions with Kali !!! Even more territory to fight over!!!
    Last edited: 13 Jul 2006
  11. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    haha sweet

    Yea that PSU channel is still kicking ;)
  12. I played for a little while a long time ago (last year). How many people are involved now?
  13. There seemed to be over half-a-dozen CDL playing of late...but they've not responded to your post...

    my sub is out atm, but i'm deciding on a good time to renew...would reactivate now, but i'm going to be doing a lot of travelling over the next 1-2months and i'd only get to enjoy a couple of weeks of the game
  14. How hard is this game to get into from a I have never played standpoint?
  15. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    As much as I'd like to see more and more people I know in the game, i'd be lying if I said it was easy.

    Its like any other MMO in that you start small and work your way up. Its way more open ended than WoW, which brings with it a larger level of complexity.

    Everything is essentially driven by 2 things, time and money. You need to find ways to make money to buy ships, equipment and skills, and then you just need time to train them. While there are ways to improve your time spent training, there is such a thing as a minimum amount of time required before you'd be piloting a battleship (for example), and even more time required to become good at it. Skills train whether you're online or not, so its more time overall invested rather than time spent physically playing the game for experience points or anything like that.

    It's complex (which is a good thing overall), and time consuming. It can also be pretty slow for someone starting out; but eventually you come to a point where it all ramps up and its about politics and pvp, which is where the game really shines.

    There's a 14 day trial offer usually, so you can try it out. Though if you're not taken immediately by the scope of the games and its sci-fi space ship theme; you might find it dragging on and grow tired of it.

    If you do make it in game Duff, my ingame name is Anarion, send me an eve-mail and I'll try and help you out if I can.
  16. ok....so not really on topic...but i flew through Jita today for the first time in a loooonnng time...and there were 423 people in local!!! that's crazy!
  17. ok..so more on topic...i've resubbed...and it seems that some of CDL that were playing of late, haven't been doing so more recently. So if Hamma or Daleon or Shads (once u r back up to speed)or any other CDL that were playing- hop in game, check and see if i'm around: Craeg Harrow's the name. I even moved some stuff up to your neck of the woods in Caldari space. If u guys are done playing, i may throw my cards in with Asp in KOS or move back southwest to BoBland. Anyway, I was really looking forward to playing with some CDL in EVE, so if it happens great...if not no biggie.

    After next week, however, I'll have to be away for potentially a couple of weeks for travel, but thats up in the air atm.
    Last edited: 29 Jul 2006
  18. I am gonna try it next month im going to korea in august so i wil be without a conncection for awhile
  19. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    I will probably come back at some point, been busy and such so I didn't have time to play.
  20. I'm surprised at how the game's playerbase is larger now than it ever has been. That's pretty cool.

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